Fanclub The V̶i̶n̶s̶m̶o̶k̶e̶ Sanji FC: The Prince of love

When will Sanji unlock his COC ?

  • When he will discover All Blue

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Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
Doesnt really apply to Sanji
Sanji had a way stronger focus on his character writing post-ts than pre-ts, and this includes post-nika arc like Egghead. Dont know about the lesser strawhats they seem to suffer that's true. You are free to compare. Like if Skypia happened today for example people would say sanji had no solo fight here and meme that enel one shot him (which was a legit one shot, not even a agenda meme), that would be it. Overall nothing character critical really happened to Sanji in Skypia, he had some cool pages but the same as always. You compare that to egghead where Sanji is the only one grappling with Vegapunk situation, the one directing the crew through the arc with orders, trying to hold I together and so on.

And he is way more tied to the main plot parts than ever, he learned about Nika and Seraphim from Vegapunk, knows about the magic circle powers of the Gorosei as he saw it twice, encountered Kizaru, was present when Saturn was talking about bonney and her mother, was present during Vegapunks final wish to die, talked with the giants and even directed them and so on
My lazy ass is not capable enough to read such a lengthy post. :catcry:
That's why Lafitte is the way.
I wonder whats up with Lafitte

He either got his DF before teach, if his wings are DF related, which breaks the pattern

Or his DF is still isn't revealed, while even Doc Qs horses is

The last one is even true if the first possibility is true, because even he got his DF pre-TS we still don't know its name

I wonder if its something real special that oda holding it back
Who should Sanji fight on Elbaf?
We don't know if there will be a classic "antagonist" and his/her group. Some subordinate of Prince Loki could be a possibility.

But in Egghead we discovered the presence of some big animals that resemble the zoan forms of the Gorosei. It could be one of these monsters (maybe not the main fight).

Or maybe he will not even fight, which I personally dislike. Elbaf army is considered one of the mightiest in the world (said by Lola in chapter 858) and it could be a great occasion for Sanji to showcase his strenght.

It is also a way to really show some really strong giants because in reality Oda it's always hyping other races but somehow, for me, he failed in that regards. For example the fishmen: they are presented as 10 times stronger than humans but in reality only Jimbe and Fisher Tiger for now are the top fishmen. Yeah Arlong was a menace but at the beginning of the manga (Oda could always retcon his strenght if he comes back, like he already did with Crocodile for example).

For the giants we now have Dory and Brogi who seem pretty strong but their power level it is also retconned from Little Garden. So it could be a great occasion for Oda to show some really strong giants, someone who will be a menace (even if we know already that Luffy is on an another level but still, Oda hopefully will show some strong giant group.)


Talent is something you make bloom.
I wonder whats up with Lafitte

He either got his DF before teach, if his wings are DF related, which breaks the pattern

Or his DF is still isn't revealed, while even Doc Qs horses is

The last one is even true if the first possibility is true, because even he got his DF pre-TS we still don't know its name

I wonder if its something real special that oda holding it back
Unironically think Oda just forgot about it just like he forgot to reveal Kid's fruit name.

Unless he didnt....