Yh not really sure what Oda's gonna do with the Admirals tbh, I think we might still get clashes btw the M3 and the Admirals in the future but don't think it'd be anything conclusive and it might not even be Kizaru than Sanji fights at that time, could be that mug Greenfool

. The "defying the laws of physics by kicking light" moment with Kizaru was cuul tho ^^ (we coulda gotten sumin speed related but we already know Sanji's rapid

And yh agree on the savior bit, I've kinda already gotten used to Sanji not getting proper 1 v 1s in these kinda arcs tbh, Oda's already said himself that he doesn't wanna draw that many fights iirc so it is what it is. Sanji is not really the "fighter" of the crew like Zoro is, so he doesn't really need it to be relevant or have cuul moments, long as he gets those I'm good ^^. He will get his fights when they really matter.