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People who now try to defend GK simple didn´t read the spoiler or see the panel because:

Law in fact hit his organs, most like even his heart judging his scar is right on the side.
With means Law Gammaknife hit the heart but it doesn´t work because Kaido skin was to tough with Kaido himself proof out after he tank the attack easily:

"Law didn´t hit his organs or heart" is a nonsense claim since both Law and Kaido debunk that shit.
GK wasn´t effective as people believe, it isn´t a top tier lvl, guys with strong durability can tank that shit.
As compare Shanks can tank most like a quake attaack,but a high tier not.

Top tiers aren´t have normal skin, their durability are a whole different lvl.
It was clear that GK who almost kill Doffy can´t kill top tiers who could protect himself with haki or having a strong durability, in fact Kaido didn´t even real feel it, but Killer and the Scabbards did put more damage as Law gammaknife.

With means Gammaknife can´t ignore durability, the chapter literally proof this point.
In compare Killer attack and the Scabbard attack in Ap>>GK, for people who underestimate Killer and the Scabbards, don´t even want to speak about Zoro who mid tier Ap is >>>>>>>>GK...
But then again, Law wondered where a Dragon's heart lies, so you cannot translate human Kaido's anatomy to Dragons. Kaido has a huge body that spans over a city, plus high recovery.

Whitebeard who walked with a hole molten into his heart, fell on his knees from a heart attack. Whitebeard wouldn't survive having his heart destroyed by Gamma Knife.
Because finding Admiral level individuals is extremely difficult. We’ve only known of two Admiral candidates in the entire world, and even those two debatably aren’t as strong as pure bread Admirals.

Meanwhile, defeat a First Mate in combat and you’ll be declared a Yonko.
After the strongest yonkou died, the gorosei already discussed about BB and marco/ "OF THE PIRATE CANDIDATES" which means its even more pirates who can become a yonkou, while it took a year to find 2 admirals to replace aokiji and akaniu
Enma is a training tool

Literally nothing in the manga suggests its AP is better or even equal to Shusui

Show the panels proving differently
Enma is either:
  1. a strong sword that is benefiting him.
  2. Or Zoro is a fucktard for using it rather than Wado for his one sword techniques, and a fucktard in general for using a sword with downsides such as risk of draining him dry.
All swordsmen covet these magical top tier swords, they can't all use them, but they all respect them and the boost they give.

So is Zoro a fucktard or is Enma giving Zoro fighting strength (or both)?


Zoro Worshipper
Enma is either:
  1. a strong sword that is benefiting him.
  2. Or Zoro is a fucktard for using it rather than Wado for his one sword techniques, and a fucktard in general for using a sword with downsides such as risk of draining him dry.
All swordsmen covet these magical top tier swords, they can't all use them, but they all respect them and the boost they give.

So is Zoro a fucktard or is Enma giving Zoro fighting strength (or both)?
Zoro only ditched Shusui not Wado

He did it cause he wants to turn Enma black because Shusui is already black

This is the explanation you were looking for

Clear now?
I dont think such is possible without Haki. It's just that haki is invisible pre-TS.
Invisible Haki was always implied though. If not seen (barrier), it was mentioned.

Mihawk is the WSS after all and has the strongest blade, which is black. But sure, it might've been with Haki, but still looked casual. Tho why would Mihawk at this point use Haki against a pre TS rubber boy.


King of Lightning has said repeatedly that:
1) Zoro and Killer can’t hurt Kaido
2) Kaido’s boro breath is stronger than any admiral attack

Can’t wait to see him read this chapter...
He will say Killer didn't hurt Kaido, because there isn't any blood.

And he will say that Kaido's Boro Breath is still stronger, because Admiral's Attacks also couldn't damage Luffy.

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