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Yes he take it but as @Buusatan94 point it out.
Top Tiers bodies have an insane amount of resistance and endurance. You cannot defeat them with such a move.
As for their bodies, yes. As for their organs, not so much. Sure, top tier organs are more resistant accordingly to their overall endurance, but still their organs are their weak part and Gamma Knife specifically aims for destroying them with radiation.

Whitebeard collapsed and coughed a bucket of blood from getting a heart attack. So the resistance of Whitebeard's body doesn't let him withstand a heart attack. Heart attack > Gamma Knife to the heart?
Keep crying. Law literally stated he doesn't know what a Dragon's anatomy (doctor terminology) is like. He can't do anything until he figures how Kaido is built (or he goes to human form).
Im same sentence he point out that he wound his heart, around the SCAR AREA with I multiple pointed out, Heart or not alone the fact that he hit the area where his scar was lying implied that he hit the belly area, with means he should hit organs.
Zoro and Wyper took these attacks many chapters before Sanji took El Thor. How tf is getting up before Sanji an impressive feat. They started getting up minutes after Sanji just took his attack.
You really got me skimming through skypiea bruh...........

Sanji first attack from Enel on the ship ch.259 didn't wake up until ch.283, 24 chapters, 2nd attack by Enel gets hit ch.284 doesnt'n get up till 299 (15 chapters)

Zoro gets hit in ch.276 wakes up, 286 (10 chapters)
Wyper gets hit twice in 276.... wakes up ch. 286 (10 chapters)
Argument Done.....

Zoro asks Law to transport him up there. Law complains why he has to babysit them, but complies anyway. Law teleports Zoro in front of Kaidou just in time. Kaidou unleashes “Bolo Breath” but Zoro uses again Kinemon's “Kitsunebiryuu: Homurasaki” to cut it and protect Luffy.
Look at Zoro a mere underling ordering around a captain who would have thought :luffylaugh:
Im same sentence he point out that he wound his heart, around the SCAR AREA with I multiple pointed out, Heart or not alone the fact that he hit the area where his scar was lying implied that he hit the belly area, with means he should hit organs.
Mate, IT'S ALL ORGANS. The point is to do VITAL damage, not just hit random organs. There is no 1:1 mapping between human/dragon. He literally stated "I hope/I wonder/it seems" this is the heart. Knowing where the scar is doesn't mean anything.
We know by the next chapter it's highly likely Kaido is about to retaliate, just like any fight that involved him : pummeled-EVEN MORE pummeled-retaliate. :milaugh:It really is Oda's signature for Kaido's fights. From his fight with Luffy, Scabbards, and now the SNs.
Wait why is no one talking about law reacting to the same attack the scabbards couldn’t react to? We seen zoro do But I just saw law do the same. I guess I’m going to look at the raws again since people aren’t talking about anything but skypeia zoro vs Skypeia sanji

Everyone reacted to it, Scabbards too... Kiku is not all scabbards, all the scabbards and all the SNs reacted to it but Zoro and Kiku chose to deflect/block it instead of Dodging... which Kiku failed to do so while Zoro challenged it nonchalantly :goyea:
(Law Teleported himself away)
Im same sentence he point out that he wound his heart, around the SCAR AREA with I multiple pointed out, Heart or not alone the fact that he hit the area where his scar was lying implied that he hit the belly area, with means he should hit organs.
Since adv haki is a thing and we see Adv haki having higher Ap then GK, I can´t imagine people going down with just one attack.
Top tiers should be able to tank each other attacks, adv haki or not.
Kaido tank GK easily, even don´t noticed it, even the Scabbard hurt Kaido more then Gk did, with means the Ap of them are higher yet I can´t imagine the Scabbards one shoting high tiers(guys who on their lvl) with just one attacks.
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