My answer about the previous discussion on the spoiler thread:
Yes, we see him holding a gun and it's safe to assume that he used it but it doesn't mean he's more of a firearm expert than a swordsman.
Thanks for confirming my point, literally.
Once again: Unless you also believe that Roger is taking a photo shooting, this panel makes it clear that he uses every weapon as a tool to extend his combat skills.
We see him use a sword more time than a gun.
Yeah, during a single clash and when he attacked Oden, and so?
He attacked Oden with a named sword attack.
Big Mom has a named sword attack as well, can we also say that Big Mom is a swordsman?
...Nope, I'll stop asking that. At the end, people could seriously think Big Mom is a swordsman as well, lol.
He Attack and fought WB with blacken haki sword.
Yeah, and he used AdCoA to clash with WB without even making a physical contact.
He's clearly being portrayed as a swordsman.
Nope: Moreover, the OP lore obviously would have mentioned an important fact like that at least ONCE -> Roger being a swordsman -> the previous WSS -> Mihawk the next WSS and thus, Roger's successor.
But: Mihawk wasn't portrayed to be on par with Roger or Whitebeard...
My point is one random panel of a person exhibiting a random fighting style doesn't mean that's their actual fighting style...
Yeah, that's my point!
You guys are basing Roger's entire fighting style on a single clash when he fought against WB but we neither know whether Roger used other tools against Roger or if he just fought him with a sword.
And here we have people buying this single panel as an "ultimate proof" for Roger being a swordsman. C'mon, that's silly.
I can present you multiple panels with Sanji Zoro and luffy doing MORE SHIT than just stancing up like Roger did but with different fighting styles and it Doesn't reflect their fighting styles
You are allowed to do so; you're just confirming my arguments even more.
Once again: Unless you also believe that Roger is taking a photo shooting, this panel makes it clear that he uses every weapon as a tool to extend his combat skills.
Roger is fine with shooting people with guns but when an actual fight starts he isn't pulling out guns against fuckin whitebeard...
Dude, Roger was literally about to clash with Shiki and Co, another big guy - and he used a sword AND a gun.
You know, being delusional cannot even describe the amount of bias here, that's how ridiculous your arguments are.
In dressrosa Zoro kicked Dellinger because he's fine with kicking scrubs to get them out of the way but when fuckin Fujitora is involved he uses his actual fighting style... get it?
It's a fact that Zoro can perform his swordsmanship even without swords and furthermore, there was no real confrontation between Zoro and Dellinger whereas we have a full panel of information in which we can clearly see in the middle of the war where Roger and Co were ALREADY fighting Shiki and Co.
Thus, Roger had NO REASONS to hold back during this war, especially if we consider the possibility that Roger lost plenty of his crewmates as well.
Now that you mention it that I get this or not: totally. But unfortunately, I cannot say the same against you guys since you're often missing the point by coming up with misleaded instances which cannot be compared to this Roger vs Shiki clash.
Yeah, it's really okay dude; you guys just have to accept that Oda doesn't care at all about your entire Zoro narrative, at least when it comes to legends like Primebeard and Roger.
Must hurt knowing that your supposed "proof" is nothing but a misinterpreted panel, right?
all we need is one panel of Roger actually in a fight using his gunner skills and it's fine...
Immalva... eh anyway, dude, Roger didn't just hold a gun to make a freaking pose, lol.
It's certainly that Roger has gunner skills as well, otherwise he wouldn't even think about using a weapon which does not fit to him.
We shall declare Roger as a gunner... until then... NOPE
He's neither the best gunner nor the best swordsman, whatsover - he's simply an allrounder proficient with a lot of weapons as he proved at this chapter.
Facts and arguments*
Is Roger more than a swordsman?
It seems so; at least we can definitely say that Roger is also proficient in other weapons which requires gunner skills.
May be, he used to fight Garp who is a brawler, so it's completely possible.
So you think it's a good possibility that Roger pummeled Garp with a barrage of fists, right? Then why do you say this:
But for now Roger is a swordsman.
No, for now Roger can be classified as a gunner or a swordsman but in fact, neither the OP lore (read above) nor a single statement mentioned something about him being a swordsman.
Until Roger shows other fighting styles (if any), you need to accept that.
Sure if Roger fits this criteria: Moreover, the OP lore obviously would have mentioned an important fact like that at least ONCE -> Roger being a swordsman -> the previous WSS -> Mihawk the next WSS and thus, Roger's successor.
But: Mihawk wasn't portrayed to be on par with Roger or Whitebeard...
And since this is not the case at all, I don't have to accept any shit here. Funnily enough that you guys are trying to push your Zoro narrative onto people who do not buy this fanfiction yet.