What is King’s real name?

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His ability can be countered and no AdCOC is required to deal with it. Match-up circumstances matter bro.

Zoro is simply a level above them now, that's why he defeated King this quick after finding out his gimmick.
They will never be on Kata's level. The sooner you get his through your head the better. Even his "57" bounty was done to spoof Luffy "56".

Katakuri was a walking plot tool handmade for Luffy to become Top Tier. There is a reason he is a CoC user. King/Queen were just some guys used for Zoro/Sanji to showcase powerups.


The Rogue Prince
I don't know wtf you're on about? The spoilers says how King decreases durability for his speed boost without his fire. It's a gimmick since he's trading dura with speed and vice versa.
My guy, the way I see it - King only loses his flames in his hybrid form. In that form he still has ancient Zoan durability. I guess he gains extra speed there, since Zoro noted that he isn't using his base wings for flight but his Zoan wings.

When he has his flames up in Base/Zoan - his durability hax plays in. Either you gotta suppress the flames (flame cutting/Marco's flames) or you gotta surpass its limits (presumably AdCoC).
You having a stroke bro?

I think the real reason you’re upset is that subconsciously you understand how devoid of meaning and reason Zoro’s story and character really are. Oda will ass pull him into WSS status, and this realization that Zoro’s entire 20+ year journey is even worse than Fairy Tale has caused your brain to implode into itself as you lose your sense of self and forget why you even fanboyed Zoro to begin with.

You look at a character who was designed to appeal to dumb 8 year olds, and question why you feel the need to scream at your monitor like a true keyboard warrior over a character who’s entire appeal is just an illusion created by some lying Japanese lardass who sits around thinking of ways to lie to babies on a daily basis, and you think to yourself: “why is my sense of self-worth so inexplicably linked to how other people perceive a low-quality children’s cartoon character?”

For a moment you wallow in self-loathing as you contemplate deleting your account and stepping out into the sunlight for the first time, but then these emotions are buried beneath an animalistic habit to scream at people on the internet over how strong they think they think your favorite baby character is.

It’s okay Shishio. Delete your account and go outside.

Fun fact: not once in my life have I been rejected by a woman lol. I’ve done face reveals on WorstGen, are you brave enough to do the same?
this is probably the most try hard cringe shit ive ever seen anyone post on this website. youve never been rejected by a woman because youre too scared to talk to one.:fransuper:


Zoro Worshipper
Zoro AP was already great and needed more to hear King nothing else.

Kata coa was pathetic if it was >>> it would have low diff Luffy.
Luffy ate plenty of koka attacks and it didn't bring him down for good but when Luffy started to land attacks on him we saw more effect.

Zoro didn't hurt King before his own words say the contrary .

Character words >>>>> any fanboy words let it be Z or S fans.
This BillSimpton guy got the worst and stupidest takes I did ever read on this site, so probably whatever he types surely I don't take it seriously. :watchout:
Lmao but thats not me. I never said any of that shit. Don't pin your own insecurities on me and try to pass it off as if you're a smart guy debunking an idiot.

Your own misconceptions and notions are your responsibility. I view the manga logically. You always get refuted by me low diff.
Youve never once presented anything meaningful and think that a crowd of tards in the back screaming you're right makes you... right.

I honestly don't care to continue this convo. It's pointless. Respond if you want but I'm not gonna
Making up random headcanon about Sanji and Zoro is you, just like Panda you can't admit ever being wrong.

Yesterday you said Sanji would be able to speedblitz all the YC1s without factual showing how
His ability can be countered and no AdCOC is required to deal with it. Match-up circumstances matter bro.

Zoro is simply a level above them now, that's why he defeated King this quick after finding out his gimmick.
Why you say aCoC is not needed?

PUs happen in a manga to overcome the obstacle.

If just koka was enough then Oda would have given Zoro an improved version of Koka not aCoC.
Heck Zoro would have gotten basic coc if his COA was enough to do the job.


Kitetsu Wanker
When you bleed , you took damage. King get push away from Marco knee attack.

’If I punch your nose, yes your head move back and your nose get bloody nose. You do take damage.

We are pretend to not feel damage even we took damage.. This not soccer fake injure game.
You think a knee into the face is more dangerous than Shishi Sonson across the face? :crazwhat:
Never said his dura is trash tho. It's just not as invincible for non AdCOC users as people thought it would be.
Did you miss Shishi Sonson slashing him across the face and doing nothing? :kriwhat:
leave out the fact that he is an ancient zohan. this aspect is giving automatically way higher physically stat than Katakuri and King lunarian power is perfect to melt Katakuri df power which is based on the mochi. The awakening shit would be pretty useless vs a King that can burn the enterally dome. No mochi no awakening no trouble for King.
You guys are sleeping on this 2 aspect.
Not using advcoo (which let be honest is not that a great power especially if King can move faster than Kaido in his hybrid form) doesnt help you against someone that has basically all other stat superior to katakuri.
Who put kaidos speed>>> katas reaction time with fs?

Haki added to mochi helps negate the fire. If it was sanji or sabos fire power I'd agree. But king has yet to show it on that level.

Luffy wasn't as good with future sight as kata when he fought kaido the first time

Acoo was stated by Rayleigh to be something only the best can do like acoc. Essentially the same portrayal of importance. Its a parralel. Especially considering they are both advanced forms of haki
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