Fanclub The V̶i̶n̶s̶m̶o̶k̶e̶ Sanji FC: The Prince of love

When will Sanji unlock his COC ?

  • When he will discover All Blue

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But Sanji DID prove himself.
He defeated a 1.32 Billion berries Yonko Commander.
The choreography sucks, but that's not something exclusive to Sanji in the post-TS. Most fights are underwhelming at best.
That was the bare minimum. Sanji wasn't in Dressrosa for most of the arc and during WCI he was the main focus but didn't actually achieve anything. In the last 350 chapters, he basically defeated Queen and took Ls. Everywhere and everywhen. That's not enough for our boy.

It's the final Saga now. We won't get a "drought" season again for Sanji. I'm excited about it.
sanji’s possible raid suit re-design concept: in the red circle he has the boots,mask glasses and germa hairstyle and a cape

blue circle seems like sanji suit with a redesigned raid suit cape

so basically
1-oda had plans of the raid suit staying but scrapped it and we got the exoskeleton instead
2-we could have had a sanji with a cape
hopefully we see sanji wearing a cape in future arcs
sanji’s possible raid suit re-design concept: in the red circle he has the boots,mask glasses and germa hairstyle and a cape

blue circle seems like sanji suit with a redesigned raid suit cape

so basically
1-oda had plans of the raid suit staying but scrapped it and we got the exoskeleton instead
2-we could have had a sanji with a cape
hopefully we see sanji wearing a cape in future arcs
Sanji with a cape>>> any other version of sanji

sanji’s possible raid suit re-design concept: in the red circle he has the boots,mask glasses and germa hairstyle and a cape

blue circle seems like sanji suit with a redesigned raid suit cape

so basically
1-oda had plans of the raid suit staying but scrapped it and we got the exoskeleton instead
2-we could have had a sanji with a cape
hopefully we see sanji wearing a cape in future arcs
Sanji with Cape would have been cool, maybe eos we will get it


Pepebusi Spammer
sanji’s possible raid suit re-design concept: in the red circle he has the boots,mask glasses and germa hairstyle and a cape

blue circle seems like sanji suit with a redesigned raid suit cape

so basically
1-oda had plans of the raid suit staying but scrapped it and we got the exoskeleton instead
2-we could have had a sanji with a cape
hopefully we see sanji wearing a cape in future arcs
The one in the blue circle is Onigashima Sanji outfit design i think
Capes are for losers. Wings are the real deal. Massive black wings :steef: