[FNZ] Role Madness Jujutsu Kaisen Mafia - Shibuya Incident [Game Ended = Mafia + Traitor + Neutral Indie Won!]

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Nope. He claims he has info on Gojo (who is a confirmed chara in the game). And I think he‘s Yuki, the one in his avy.
Was Yuki in shibuya or previous arcs really?

She only got introduced properly with her powers and all much later in the manga.

So unless Ekko decided to include those parts, I doubt he's Yuki.
Well info doesn't mean "I know who it is", more to the point, Midnight has been taken off the board for... doing nothing? Even if had this info, why does that make him town?
If he does in fact have this info, this makes him Town because there‘s no way scum have this info already unless they got lucky with an invest. And why would he claim he knows when he can just shut up instead of faking it?


The End and the Beginning
If he does in fact have this info, this makes him Town because there‘s no way scum have this info already unless they got lucky with an invest. And why would he claim he knows when he can just shut up instead of faking it?
You realise you're enabling the latter purely by making the case for him to not provide it? As in, he can just say he has info and nothing more, and you've not only made the case for him to never share it, you've insisted he must be tow over it, for very tenuous reasoning might I add.
You realise you're enabling the latter purely by making the case for him to not provide it? As in, he can just say he has info and nothing more, and you've not only made the case for him to never share it, you've insisted he must be tow over it, for very tenuous reasoning might I add.
So what do you suggest, then? That he shares the info?


The End and the Beginning
So what do you suggest, then? That he shares the info?
No, I suggest that you don't run his defence for him. It's not about his "info" Flower, it's about a player who has prior examples of making absolute nonsense up and talking just to talk, and then you've gone and picked up this whole thing for him, even explaining what the info is and in what form it could have come. Do you see what I'm saying - you're inserting what you *want* to be true over what we actually know.
literally a third of ultra's posts r about me lol and honestly the posts have been pretty weak

It doesn't make sense with her following post either, because she goes from disbelief into assuming reasons why another assassin might not chirp up and claim that revolves around the assumption that I'm town.
ok this was after ratchet voted and sussed me

Vote lynch Hime

Head Assassin: Place a kill order on MD and I will approve. If you don't, you are gay, and I will never approve anything you send in, ever.
he also votes me, latching onto what ratchet (a strong player with good thread pull says)

Confusion about a role she probably has never heard of can be somewhat reconciled. Instantly assuming I'm the sole townie in the assassin pool is ???
is this the main reason for voting me? this seems pretty weak coming from ultra "oh she thought there was only 1 town assassin, omg shes scum!"
if anything as scum i would probs have been aware of there being more than 1 town assassin

Well, you payed the price, now it's your turn to claim lmfao
asks me to claim

Nope, we're cooking Hime on a spit. Bring the BBQ sauce.
says im going to die

asks me to claim

Hime is not claming

vote her
asks me to claim

Hime giving out vague rolehints like I won't lynch her through any claim short of IC Cop
notices that i rolehinted, says he will lynch me no matter what unless im ic cop (this shows that he is extremely confident on his push despite the lack of good reasons so far)

I will reverse this wagon on you if you write a confession for RippedCal fyi
idk y he is memeing around but ok

Well, you can always go in her place.
this is in reply to midnight, a lhf who is ultras second main push of the day
i could do an iso abt the midnight push too but ill just stick to me for now

Prof how come you took exception to Hime's bad rolehint but rolled off without getting her claim
talks abt my rolehint and me claiming

Magic I don't buy this crap. I'm keeping my vote on Hime.
says hes going to still vote me

Hime clam

Prof clam

Ultra clam

idk what this is, asking for claims?

What did I just walk in on
he doesnt seem very caught up with these posts

Hammer this sussy little slot!
and then immediately says to hammer me

You like wasting inordinate amounts of time asking players if they're Grimace the chicken nugget dealer I DONT GIVE A SHIT. KILL HER.
note: he still hasnt given any reason to vote me other than the not claiming and that i thought there was only 1 town assassin (the other reason was refuted by the fact i misunderstood the role in its entirety)


Hime's claim was delayed, would be stupid to put any stock into it, she probably is a neighbor, good chance her rooms have conditions, I ain't touching that shit
I can't assume what her considerations are, but I think it's more likely she has leaned into the whole pretending to be offended thing to give her time to claim. Scum have provided fakes, but that doesn't mean all the links are worked out, or that they might not need time to trim the hedges to sell something s little better than what they were given.

I don't trust Hime. I think as town she is more likely to do this with a more "in your face" claim.
he acknowledged that i rolehinted earlier yet thinks i delayed the claim so long bc i needed to figure out how to word it? not sure y he thinks it would take so long to just say i can make neighbor chats if he believes that part is just true and there r simply conditions im not stating

Not really. Her indignation here is hollow - her claim is not anything special and she would be confirmed as neighbor to someone anyway. I think she was buying time and is full of shit.
what would i have been buying time for? its not exactly that my claim was complicated enough to wait so long to give
and the part i claimed is something u believe anyway

I think you're overstating the amount of intelligence it takes to attempt at pocketing someone simping for you.

The question I'm asking here is "Does it make sense for Home to be mad being forced to claim this, and for her anger to dissipate immediately after claiming?" And my answer is just no
Give her some basic credibility too - you really think Hime actually cares about the distinction between someone asking her to claim and another person? It's the same difference - totally fake.
no, flower was being hella entitled and so were a lot of u
it goes beyond the game really, i dont think i deserved to be treated in such a way.

Maybe. If you assume she could claim at a moments notice without any hiccups. If you assume she was buying time to dot her I's and cross her T's, not so much.
u urself believe this part of my claim

- Her fake could give her a flavor name but lacks general descriptors so she has to make those up or ask Kekko for alternate ability names under the guise of her fakes
- Her fake is insufficient, and she needed to doctor it a bit before presenting it
- Her role has other components that she is not claiming and is wary of her usage being tracked

Minutia really, but very common
no one even asked me for the name of my ability, i gave it willingly
honestly i couldve just claimed without ever giving the name of it and just added that part later in that case
agn u bring up that im leaving out components, that does not delay the claim

@Ratchet check her claim behavior in the bleach game, it's literally the same shit lol
precisely not
in bleach there were soooo many abilities and i subbed in 300 pgs into the game and had no idea what was going on
i needed time to get them all written up
here i am in the thread and i claimed 1 ability which YOU YOURSELF believe is true

Yes, and her thread behavior was to find a ready excuse for not giving her claim until she had all her ducks in a row, and then claimed without hesitation, which is exactly what has happened here.
wrong, again
what ducks in a row? it was 1 ability and i hinted it earlier too

Yeah, and I'm not inclined to think you'd blurt them out even if they were handed to you after your last shot at fake claiming. Your behavior is fishy.
oh no, my behavior is fishy
got anything else?

Bigger tinfoil would be Hime being town

Execute her
a kill hime post

Conq is scummy imo

but vote Hime
a vote hime post

Are you pretending that's why her wagon exists
uh u urself r the one saying stuff abt my role probs having conditions and stuff

another kill hime post

Her ass is lying about her binding vow

She gonna steal her neighbors abilities or some shit. I guarantee it.
neighbor chats r always 2 players, i said my binding vow buff just made it 3
its extremely easy to test if im lying

Well, I mean, unless they're both scum, but if I'm wrong on Hime, I'm wrong. I am not though.
overconfidence on my slot for reasons??
i assume to get more ppl to vote with him

he says he doesnt care bc his argument is that i took so long in order to doctor up my claim which is untrue cuz i hinted far far earlier and my claim doesnt require a lot, if any, effort to "craft"


You are going to be the lynch today in all likelihood, I'm not the one coping.
says im going to get lynched

Also need an excuse to dodge Hime's vengeful passive when she gets lynched
the overconfidence thing agn

[Vote Lynch Hime]

This is the kweh.
Anyway let's hammer Hime and move on
votes and says to kill me agn

overall, ultra has spent a good chunk of the game doing largely nothing and simply doubting me for shit reasons
another large chunk goes to his posts abt killing or lynching midnight who is an extremely low hanging fruit
i am not impressed
No, I suggest that you don't run his defence for him. It's not about his "info" Flower, it's about a player who has prior examples of making absolute nonsense up and talking just to talk, and then you've gone and picked up this whole thing for him, even explaining what the info is and in what form it could have come. Do you see what I'm saying - you're inserting what you *want* to be true over what we actually know.
Then what do you want him to do? You know he will say absolutely nothing useful.


The End and the Beginning
Then what do you want him to do? You know he will say absolutely nothing useful.
I know lol, this is why you don't make his defence for him. It's not like you just said "let's not press for this info", you've given him the whole backstory, which actually enables him further. Rep him/or assassins.
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