Who will be the next Strawhat

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I am usually the first to dismiss the new nakama ideas but Yamato looks exactly that.
There is barely any other purpose for her other than joining the Strawhats after Wano is over.
I am getting the same vibes from her that I was getting from Franky during W7 and EL.
The only thing she lacks so far is a long-lasting dream, something beyond Wano...
Yep dream and sad past
Wich carrot lack the most

Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
I am usually the first to dismiss the new nakama ideas but Yamato looks exactly that.
There is barely any other purpose for her other than joining the Strawhats after Wano is over.
I am getting the same vibes from her that I was getting from Franky during W7 and EL.
The only thing she lacks so far is a long-lasting dream, something beyond Wano...
I guarantee you that she’ll want to see the world as Oden did, that’ll be her impetus for leaving the island after the borders are open.
I like the idea of Yamato becoming one of the SH's but I have a problem with her Oden mentality especially that we are in the New World and not in the pre-time skip.

Her happy go lucky Oden style might be problematic especially post Wano.

Even Luffy is slowly developing "shit this pirate thing is no joke" mindset.
Um.... No. Luffy hasn’t developed any sort of different mindset about pirating... He was literally about to have a party with his crew before deciding to do so only after Big Mom and Kaido are taken down so that everyone can party.

Just because Luffy is serious during the climatic part of the arc doesn’t mean that he’s actually changed whatsoever.
With the information we have thus far I can't really see the Yamato Oden relationship being strong enough to support her joining the crew. It's a very personal, reciprocal thing, being a Strawhat's loved one. We're talking families here, adopted or otherwise. Not just do the Strawhats love their folk, but the feeling is mutual. As far as we know- given we've actually seen Oden's life through his journal- Yamato and Oden never even spoke.

Yamato's surely getting a flashback so I'm not going to rule it out until then, but I don't see the early signs as good. We could find out that in Oden's five years of dance apology touring he befriended the young Yamato and became a pseudo father to her, but I don't really think that's what this chapter implies. It seems more to be the case she saw the hour of legend and thought "this guy is fucking awesome." And if that's the case... get in line, there's people who knew Oden far better and feel the same way.

Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
With the information we have thus far I can't really see the Yamato Oden relationship being strong enough to support her joining the crew. It's a very personal, reciprocal thing, being a Strawhat's loved one. We're talking families here, adopted or otherwise. Not just do the Strawhats love their folk, but the feeling is mutual. As far as we know- given we've actually seen Oden's life through his journal- Yamato and Oden never even spoke.

Yamato's surely getting a flashback so I'm not going to rule it out until then, but I don't see the early signs as good. We could find out that in Oden's five years of dance apology touring he befriended the young Yamato and became a pseudo father to her, but I don't really think that's what this chapter implies. It seems more to be the case she saw the hour of legend and thought "this guy is fucking awesome." And if that's the case... get in line, there's people who knew Oden far better and feel the same way.
All the other people who knew Oden far better seem positioned to stay in Wano once Kaido’s been taken down, though. Also, if we assume until further notice that Yamato has been held on Onigashima for some length of time, she’ll have nobody holding her back once Daddy is defeated. Not entirely sure where you’re going with the first part, the love of a singular familial figure isn’t a hard requirement for joining. Jinbe’s dream is for racial equality, although you can squint and say it’s fulfilling Otohime’s ambition; so too can you credit Yamato’s desire to see the world as fulfilling Oden’s ambition.
I am usually the first to dismiss the new nakama ideas but Yamato looks exactly that.
There is barely any other purpose for her other than joining the Strawhats after Wano is over.
I am getting the same vibes from her that I was getting from Franky during W7 and EL.
The only thing she lacks so far is a long-lasting dream, something beyond Wano...

Also, just flat out, her design (sans the alleged "Nami face") is probably the most unique "beautiful" female designs we've had in years. Her attire is not worn by any other female character in the series, her battle competency is insane all things considering, her weapon is only used by her father, to which his is actually different. Her childlike personality (shaking Luffy uncontrollably, the way she acts in general) personally already chimes well with the rest of the crew.

There are things she has in 2 chapters, that no other female character has had in in the last 20 years. Hell, if she gets a major fight, lets say against Campote or Smoothie this arc, then to me its a sealed deal. She is not a Wano native, she technically doesn't "belong" on Wano. Once she realizes the scabbards are alive, she will likely have other goals.

And I'm sure the dream will come, either during her flashback with Oden or with Ace. Remember, she has specifically been waiting for Luffy. She's been planning to revolt for a long time, but it has to be with Luffy, so why is that?

There is a much more personal relationship with Luffy than she lets on, and I can't wait to find out.
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All the other people who knew Oden far better seem positioned to stay in Wano once Kaido’s been taken down, though. Also, if we assume until further notice that Yamato has been held on Onigashima for some length of time, she’ll have nobody holding her back once Daddy is defeated. Not entirely sure where you’re going with the first part, the love of a singular familial figure isn’t a hard requirement for joining. Jinbe’s dream is for racial equality, although you can squint and say it’s fulfilling Otohime’s ambition; so too can you credit Yamato’s desire to see the world as fulfilling Oden’s ambition.
It is a hard requirement. Every other Strawhat has a loved one who loved them in turn and pushed them on to be the person they are in the present. Luffy has Shanks, Zoro has Kuina, Nami has Bellemere, Usopp has his parents, especially his dad, Sanji has Zeff, Chopper has Hiriluk, Robin has her mother and Saul, Franky has Tom, Brook has his old crew and Laboon, Jinbei has Tiger.

These are the relationships that made the Strawhats who they are as characters. A relationship where one of the parties doesn't even know they other exists is not a real relationship. Yamato and Oden just doesn't fit the pattern we've had previously, because as far as we know, Oden didn't even know Yamato existed. We saw Oden's life- Yamato didn't even get a mention in it. In Oden's life- again, as far as we know- he had literally tons of people he cared about far more than he did Yamato. That is not what makes a Strawhat inspirational figure. Oden and Yamato is more like Roger and Luffy, when she need a Shanks to be a Strawhat.

Ace wouldn't work either, not unless Oda really hadn't planned Yamato out at all, which I find unlikely if she were to be a Strawhat. If he cared about her that much, he'd have mentioned her when he was dying, like he did Luffy, Sabo,Garp, Dadan, Whitebeard and all his crew. He did not. The two may have been good friends, like Jinbei and Ace were, but they aren't that close.
My problem with Yamato is that at this point in the story, it is too late for a newly introduced character to join the crew.

I mean, entering the final stretch of the adventure, it gives me the impression that this person did not have enough adventures and '' moments '' to be worthy of being a straw hat.

Jinbe for example, since impel down is part of Luffy's history, life and adventures in some way. Oda is creating a lot of his interactions with strawhatz to give us the feeling that he has been traveling with them for a long time.

Carrot seems to me the most real bet, she has been venturing with Strawhatz since Zou, and she already has interaction and a very strong bond with all of them to fit in.
My problem with Yamato is that at this point in the story, it is too late for a newly introduced character to join the crew.

I mean, entering the final stretch of the adventure, it gives me the impression that this person did not have enough adventures and '' moments '' to be worthy of being a straw hat.

Jinbe for example, since impel down is part of Luffy's history, life and adventures in some way. Oda is creating a lot of his interactions with strawhatz to give us the feeling that he has been traveling with them for a long time.

Carrot seems to me the most real bet, she has been venturing with Strawhatz since Zou, and she already has interaction and a very strong bond with all of them to fit in.
We don't know if we will get more arcs and adventures but whose to say we won't? Oda can do whatever.
So a big theme Oda has ALWAYS followed in this story is the concept of inherited will. Every single Strawhat member has a form of inherited will from someone dead or alive (it does not always relate to their dream exactly either):

Remember, these are NOT stretches, these are THE people that shape a strawhat's personality and belief into becomine the person they are in the present. Oda has very clear cut manner to how he constructs the main characters. You can see how evident this is because non-Strawhats do not usually carry this trait (some do, like the Red Scabbards with Oden by varying degrees). For example, Vivi carries zero references to inherited will. She MAY now if her father died and wished to accomplish something. This is, in essence, what Inherited Will is.:

- Luffy: Clearly he inherits Roger's will. There are examples upon examples of people either being reminded of Roger based the words Luffy says or the fact that Roger was "too early" in his time. I won't post examples of this because I think people understand.

- Zoro: Kuina. Zoro makes a speech that he will become the greatest swordsman and inherits her blade.

- Nami: Bellmere. Nami entirely inherited Bellmere's "mischievous" nature and the acceptance of fighting for what is right (recall her speeches at Arlong Park, Fishman Island and Punk Hazard, they all related to how Bellmere influenced her)

- Usopp: His mother. A big thing people don't realize is Usopp's image of his father as a great pirate was entirely from his mother. She tells him that she was glad Yasopp went out to sea, influencing him to be a pirate. Usopp also began lying to make his mother happy and keep her alive, a trait he carried even after she died.

- Sanji: Zeff. Yes...Zeff is still alive, but Zeff's dreams died the moment he sacrificed his leg to save Sanji's. While Sanji had the dream of finding All Blue before he met Zeff, it was only solidified after he inherited Zeff's desire to find the same thing.

- Chopper: Hiriluk. Hiriluk, even being a Quack Doctor, inspired Chopper to become the man he is today. I don't have to go in depth with this one, its very self explanatory.

- Robin: Professor Clover, Olivia, and the Oharan people. Robin inherited the will of her entire island, to find the true history. Self explanatory.

- Franky: Tom. Tom built Roger's ship. Franky's experiences with Tom made him want to do the same for Luffy.

- Brook: His entire crew. By the time their crew was poisoned and attacked, all of his crew members regretted not begin able to see Laboon again. Their wills lived on through Brook, whos sole desire is to see Laboon.

- Jinbe: Fisher Tiger, Queen Otohime, and Ace. Jinbe is a complicated character. Through both Fisher Tiger and Otohime, we wants to save his people from further persecution while bonding with humans, though he will violently act to defend those who need said defense. He is essentially a mix between between both. Further so, Ace's will to protect Luffy is passed onto Jinbe. Jinbe is the only Strawhat to essentially act as an onboard mentor to Luffy.

And with that comes my main points: Carrot and Yamato

- Carrot: Pedro. Pedro's final words were pretty fuckin self explanatory:

Now I don't think Carrot realizes this yet, but just as Roger influenced Pedro to make his final actions, Pedro influenced Carrot to understand how important these people are. This defining moment has not yet happened for Carrot, but her clear connection to Pedro as his student helps support this. We just need to wait for said significant moment, and Perospero IS actually heading to Onigashima. Of course this relies on him staying dead and Carrot growing from his death.

- Yamato: Oden. Yes, I did mention that the Scabbards also have inherited Oden's will of opening the borders, but Yamato took it to the absolute extreme. His death resonated with her so much that she quite literally took his "manly" persona and made it her own to drive his will forward. I don't have much to go on, only the last 2 chapters. But this is significant and will continue to be as time goes on.

And no, Oden's dream wasn't ONLY to open Wano, it was to see the world. Once she realizes the scabbards are alive and once Wano's threats are gone, seeing the world was another significant step in Oden's life. So I hope people understand the difference here. The scabbards inherited Oden's will to open the borders to drive the plot, Yamato inherited Oden's will to DRIVE HER CHARACTER, much like how Roger, Kuina, Bellemere, Usopp's mother, Zeff, Hiriluk, Clover/Olivia, Tom, Rumbar Pirates, Tiger/Otohime/Ace, and potentially Pedro have done to the 11 other characters.

All 12 of these characters (Carrot seemingly in real time) have been defined by people via some tragic act. They all don't happen in the same way. Jinbe's influence is extremely unorthodox. He barely knew Otohime, just like Yamato barely knew Oden.
Just an important thing to keep notice of when discussing crewmembers. Carrot and Yamato already are leagues above other characters because of these definable traits to varying degrees
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My problem with Yamato is that at this point in the story, it is too late for a newly introduced character to join the crew.

I mean, entering the final stretch of the adventure, it gives me the impression that this person did not have enough adventures and '' moments '' to be worthy of being a straw hat.

Jinbe for example, since impel down is part of Luffy's history, life and adventures in some way. Oda is creating a lot of his interactions with strawhatz to give us the feeling that he has been traveling with them for a long time.

Carrot seems to me the most real bet, she has been venturing with Strawhatz since Zou, and she already has interaction and a very strong bond with all of them to fit in.
It is not "too late" because we have no idea how many more adventure arcs we will have. We in the least have Vegapunk and Elbaf.
We don't know if we will get more arcs and adventures but whose to say we won't? Oda can do whatever.
Well, Oda already said that we are in the final stretch of one piece, the editors have already said that the end of wano will give readers the feeling that we are at the end of the one piece

The strawhatz 'last adventure/obstacle after wano will probably be BlackBeard. And Yamato doesn’t have enough adventure and bond with the crew at this point in history to be a hypothetical strawhat
Thats against the rules. Using Ulti isn't fair.

Also I don't think we get big Yamato FB. We had Oden, we will get Kaido, thats too much FBs for an Arc.

Perhaps a joint flashback? They are parent/child after all, and it’s not like the Charlotte Family where there’s a ton of siblings to to give screen time to. I can very much see it being a flashback focusing on both Kaido and Yamato.

It almost definitely won’t be as large as Oden’s, but I can see a shorter yet still significant one, should she be a candidate for nakama.
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