They're definitely racists. But uninformed, not necessarily.

Anyway, not calling far-right wingers racists is a fear that all politician created because they don't want to vilify potential people rallying them. You're not a politician, you don't need to pretend that the far-right isn't racist.
While I can't call them informed people, simply because if they were - at least on social and natural sciences - they would most probably be on our side...

You are completely right on the rest. Racism is one of my weakness and blindspot when it comes to the far right, I tend to self tone police myself a little too much and give them a bit too much leeway. I want to believe that there is more to it than just their hatred.

But yeah... this is mainly what it is, racism.

That's actually a lesson I had to learn the hard way this past three month since I literally felt into the Colombe trap just like other liberals and sos dems.

For the context, a famous "journalist entertainer" choosed to interview far right voters (first problem) at the end of a far right rally to humanize them a little (second problem). There, he met Colombe, an old lady. She explained to him that she was living under the minimal living wage and was, despite that, still helping donating food to people in difficulty. She also explained that the far right leaders were talking to people like her and understanding her problem and that's why she was voting for them.

This story went viral in France and broke a lot of liberals and sos dem hearths (mine included) at the time. A famous leftist even went on a rant to explain that the left should try to change its rethoric to try to appeal more to people in difficulties and working class people like Colombe and that we should not let the far right appeal to those people.

The problem however is that this rethoric literally negated the fact that Colombe was a long time far right voter. She is fully aware of the racist politics that the far right is trying to implement.

This is the problem the left is facing with social democrates and soft leftists: We have a BIG racist blindspot. A part of the left (the right side, social democrates) refuse to attack the problem of racism or islamophobia, they are only focusing their interest on the working class. This creates a situation were those leftists are sometimes saying literal racist stuff or excusing racism for the sake of tone policing or to appeal to the working class voting for the far right.

But there is one thing those people don't understand : The far right voters in the working class don't vote for their own interest, they vote for the far right because of their racism !

And this affirmation was proven this last month: Bardella, the leader of the far right party was literally incompetent on ALL subjects in debates. In fact the program of the far right was inexistant for both the european and the legislative elections ! Worst, the more we digged, the more we discovered who many dangerous individual there were in their rank and how incompetent they were: << this map represents all the deputee who have a """background"""" in term of very problematic rethoric (homophobia/racism/antisemitism etc..), legal problem (fraud/actual past condamnations), white supremacism, violences etc..

The observations were clear : the far right is incompetent, they don't understand politics, science or economy and they are only trying to "appear" as friends of the working class when in reality, they are friends of the capital and the bourgeoisie.

We are only left with this explanation: If the far right doesn't vote for their own interest or because of a concret program, the voting base is only acting on behalf of one thing, the backbone of far rightism, the start of racialist politics.

In other words, the vote for the far right (and here, for Trump) is a racist one. Not necessarily against black people at first, but against migrants, certainly.

I had to understand and open my eyes on this blindspot the left has as I believe strongly in intersectionnality. This is why I no longer call myself a simple leftist, but a radical one now.


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
While I can't call them informed people, simply because if they were - at least on social and natural sciences - they would most probably be on our side...

You are completely right on the rest. Racism is one of my weakness and blindspot when it comes to the far right, I tend to self tone police myself a little too much and give them a bit too much leeway. I want to believe that there is more to it than just their hatred.

But yeah... this is mainly what it is, racism.

That's actually a lesson I had to learn the hard way this past three month since I literally felt into the Colombe trap just like other liberals and sos dems.

For the context, a famous "journalist entertainer" choosed to interview far right voters (first problem) at the end of a far right rally to humanize them a little (second problem). There, he met Colombe, an old lady. She explained to him that she was living under the minimal living wage and was, despite that, still helping donating food to people in difficulty. She also explained that the far right leaders were talking to people like her and understanding her problem and that's why she was voting for them.

This story went viral in France and broke a lot of liberals and sos dem hearths (mine included) at the time. A famous leftist even went on a rant to explain that the left should try to change its rethoric to try to appeal more to people in difficulties and working class people like Colombe and that we should not let the far right appeal to those people.

The problem however is that this rethoric literally negated the fact that Colombe was a long time far right voter. She is fully aware of the racist politics that the far right is trying to implement.

This is the problem the left is facing with social democrates and soft leftists: We have a BIG racist blindspot. A part of the left (the right side, social democrates) refuse to attack the problem of racism or islamophobia, they are only focusing their interest on the working class. This creates a situation were those leftists are sometimes saying literal racist stuff or excusing racism for the sake of tone policing or to appeal to the working class voting for the far right.

But there is one thing those people don't understand : The far right voters in the working class don't vote for their own interest, they vote for the far right because of their racism !

And this affirmation was proven this last month: Bardella, the leader of the far right party was literally incompetent on ALL subjects in debates. In fact the program of the far right was inexistant for both the european and the legislative elections ! Worst, the more we digged, the more we discovered who many dangerous individual there were in their rank and how incompetent they were: << this map represents all the deputee who have a """background"""" in term of very problematic rethoric (homophobia/racism/antisemitism etc..), legal problem (fraud/actual past condamnations), white supremacism, violences etc..

The observations were clear : the far right is incompetent, they don't understand politics, science or economy and they are only trying to "appear" as friends of the working class when in reality, they are friends of the capital and the bourgeoisie.

We are only left with this explanation: If the far right doesn't vote for their own interest or because of a concret program, the voting base is only acting on behalf of one thing, the backbone of far rightism, the start of racialist politics.

In other words, the vote for the far right (and here, for Trump) is a racist one. Not necessarily against black people at first, but against migrants, certainly.

I had to understand and open my eyes on this blindspot the left has as I believe strongly in intersectionnality. This is why I no longer call myself a simple leftist, but a radical one now.
Stop being a chicken and play mafia :beckmoji:
Guys I'm thinking of committing Tax Fraud.
That's impossible, since taxation is theft. It's like saying you plan on scamming the mafia basically.
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and am ALREADY fighting against.
The only thing you are fighting are a bunch of forum users who speak against mutilation.
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Thing is though if he's actually dead, they're doing more harm withholding this info then just coming out with it lol
Must have been part of Biden's genius will he left behind in advance! :kata:
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only if it's non-KYC, keep wallet secret and secure
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Then there is no point to drop out is there? Because that would be to some people by their twisted logic same as dodging a bullet.
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Anyway, not calling far-right wingers racists is a fear that all politician created because they don't want to vilify potential people rallying them.
Literally every news outlet calls anyone center or even slightly right of center far right and then double down on stupidity by calling them racist. Politicians are mouth pieces for those behind them and the MSM is the megaphone.
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So gang... what do we think? Is Kamala Harris going to be the first DEI president?

And her husband, will we call him the first gentleman? Or the presidential consort? And what about calling her Presidentess?
So gang... what do we think? Is Kamala Harris going to be the first DEI president?

And her husband, will we call him the first gentleman? Or the presidential consort? And what about calling her Presidentess?
She doesn’t stand a chance against Trump. Lowkey 2016 vibes except Trump is on a higher pedestal this time.
Well the reason I ask is because while I don't care too much who becomes president, I think it might be a bad long term strategy to vote in Harris (for the democrats at least, for republicans it will be perfection).

Democrats for so long have been wanting a female president, and if that's the case then you need to start off strong. For example in England we had Margaret Thatcher. She was an incredibly controversial prime minister but she commanded respect, destroyed people in debates and even went to war in the Falklands. No one would ever mistake her for being weak (or stupid) and because of that she paved the way for many female MPs to come after her. I've come across so many old timers who hate her but still refer to her as 'Mrs Thatcher'. Which is very unusual because believe me they don't do it with any of the other female prime ministers we've had.

Kamala Harris on the other hand gets no respect, she came in dead last in the primaries and Biden's biggest reason for hiring her was her ethnicity and gender. She's proven to be incredibly unlikeable too, and babbles endlessly with answers that barely make sense.

So there's a good case to be made that it would be wiser for the dems to not vote her in or find another candidate because you would just be giving republicans more ammunition for the future.
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