I want to give another Hint that ZKK will Happen
Kaido Fight is shaping up to be very similar to Crocodile Fight as both were Much Stronger than Luffy, they were basically Untouchable at first & they One-Shot Luffy in Round 01 & then Threw him off the Castle in Round 02
However, there is one Scene that is Very Important & repeated itself, which is:
In both Scenes, the "Key" to Defeating Villain was shown (Water/CoC) by a Half-Unconscious/Bloodied Luffy
Which later then he figured to use them to be able to Harm Villain (Water for Crocodile & CoC for Kaido)
But his Reserve was Limited & eventually got Defeated anyway once Villain got Serious
However what's interesting is that Zoro got EXACT same Scene in his First Round against Kaido where the "Key" to Defeating Kaido was revealed to him right after his Round 01 Ended & he was Half-Unconscious/Bloodied.
But it doesn't end here, in First Round of Alabasta, Luffy was Saved by Robin & Healed by Robin & apparently Zoro is gonna be left with Hiyori who will tend to his Wounds (If Hiyori does indeed meet Zoro now & tend to his Wounds then it's MAJOR Hint that ZKK will happen)
However unlike Luffy who was unable to Harm Crocodile & Kaido in First Round, Zoro was able to but it wasn't Enough, meaning that Zoro's Roof Fight against Kaido was like Combination of Luffy's Round 01 & 02
Because if you think about it, in Luffy's Round 02 against Crocodile, he used New Form (Water Luffy) which is Basically a Form where Luffy Combined with "Key to defeating Crocodile" which is Water. He also landed One Attack, made Crocodile Dodge One & Block another & also made him get Serious & Trash the Place using his Sand Storm. Later then once Crocodile got Serious, Luffy lost & fell & wasn't able to save himself but got lucky & then he fell asleep until he woke up & went after Crocodile for Round 03.
Does all of this Ring a Bell? Zoro made Kaido Dodge One Attack, Block Another & forced him to Trash the Place using a Storm JUST LIKE Crocodile was in Round 02. Also just like Luffy combined with Water to make New Form & Harm Crocodile, guess what?
Zoro showed Asura which apparently is his CoC Form (Which is Key to defeating Kaido) but it was Limited just like the Water that Luffy drank was Limited. After that Zoro's Fight was over & he fell just like Luffy fell & got saved & then he fell asleep!!!!! and all of this are MAJOR HINTS that Round 02 is coming for Zoro which will be similar to Luffy's Round 03
In Round 03 of Alabasta, Luffy solved Water Limit problem by using his own Blood which is what? "Permanent"
So the Key to Defeating Kaido is what? Yes, it's a "Permanent CoC" & have we been teased about such Ability before?
Yes ofc, it's a BLACK SWORD. This means that Zoro will turn Enma Black with his CoC & end Kaido's career alongside his Head!!
However, this will happen after Luffy's Round 03 where he will have a much much better Fight with Kaido & push him to the Limits but still Fall JUST LIKE he fell due to poison against Crocodile in their Third Round.
So only difference between Crocodile & Kaido Fight is Inclusion of Zoro in Round 02 & 03
And in both of them, Zoro shines when his Captain is unable to Fight
It was a Scar + Asura in Round 02
And then it will be a Beheading + Black Sword in Round 03
But i'm not finished yet!!
Wano Scenario is EXACLTY same as Shells Town Arc Scenario
Zoro tries to Attack Helmeppo (2nd Villain of the Arc who relies on his Father's Name) because he tried attacking a Little Girl & then his Dog stands in Zoro's Way ----> The same EXACT Scenario happened when Zoro attacked Orochi (2nd Villain of the Arc who relies on Kaido's Name) because he tried to attack O-Toko & then Kyoshiro interevened & what did he call himself? That's right, he said "Dog".
You think this choice of Words is Random???
And do you know what else happened in that Arc? Zoro was Put on a Cross, why? Because he needs to Endure 30 Days
Was Zoro put on a Cross too in Wano Arc? YES, he was & why? Because he needs to Endure 30 Broken Bones
Damn, so much coincidences
Then what happened? Helmeppo told his Dad to get rid of Intruders & then Morgan punched him & told him that only reason he didn't kill him before is because he is his Son & that he is useless.
Which is exactly what Kaido said when he beheaded Orochi's Head !!
Story short, do you know how that Arc ended?
It ended by Luffy fighting Morgan & then he was Distracted by Helmeppo going to kill Koby & then Morgan going for the killing blow against Luffy but Zoro intervens & cuts Morgan!
And who is Koby? He was a scared little boy who wished he was stronger & more courageous & got inspired by Luffy & had big dream. Doesn't this ring a Bell? He is EXACTLY like Momonosuke
So yes, ladies & gentlemen, during Luffy's Round 03 against Kaido, Orochi will be there & threatening to kill Momo & then Kaido's Zoan Recovery kicks in & he is gonna end the exhausted Luffy but Zoro is there & we witness Luffy defeating Orochi & ZKK in an EPIC DOUBLE SPREAD over the FLOWER CAPITAL !!!
I have many other Hints i will share later, but i don't want Zoro Haters to have a Heart Attack yet. This is already too much for them to handle
Kaido Fight is shaping up to be very similar to Crocodile Fight as both were Much Stronger than Luffy, they were basically Untouchable at first & they One-Shot Luffy in Round 01 & then Threw him off the Castle in Round 02
However, there is one Scene that is Very Important & repeated itself, which is:

Which later then he figured to use them to be able to Harm Villain (Water for Crocodile & CoC for Kaido)
But his Reserve was Limited & eventually got Defeated anyway once Villain got Serious
However what's interesting is that Zoro got EXACT same Scene in his First Round against Kaido where the "Key" to Defeating Kaido was revealed to him right after his Round 01 Ended & he was Half-Unconscious/Bloodied.
But it doesn't end here, in First Round of Alabasta, Luffy was Saved by Robin & Healed by Robin & apparently Zoro is gonna be left with Hiyori who will tend to his Wounds (If Hiyori does indeed meet Zoro now & tend to his Wounds then it's MAJOR Hint that ZKK will happen)
However unlike Luffy who was unable to Harm Crocodile & Kaido in First Round, Zoro was able to but it wasn't Enough, meaning that Zoro's Roof Fight against Kaido was like Combination of Luffy's Round 01 & 02
Because if you think about it, in Luffy's Round 02 against Crocodile, he used New Form (Water Luffy) which is Basically a Form where Luffy Combined with "Key to defeating Crocodile" which is Water. He also landed One Attack, made Crocodile Dodge One & Block another & also made him get Serious & Trash the Place using his Sand Storm. Later then once Crocodile got Serious, Luffy lost & fell & wasn't able to save himself but got lucky & then he fell asleep until he woke up & went after Crocodile for Round 03.
Does all of this Ring a Bell? Zoro made Kaido Dodge One Attack, Block Another & forced him to Trash the Place using a Storm JUST LIKE Crocodile was in Round 02. Also just like Luffy combined with Water to make New Form & Harm Crocodile, guess what?
Zoro showed Asura which apparently is his CoC Form (Which is Key to defeating Kaido) but it was Limited just like the Water that Luffy drank was Limited. After that Zoro's Fight was over & he fell just like Luffy fell & got saved & then he fell asleep!!!!! and all of this are MAJOR HINTS that Round 02 is coming for Zoro which will be similar to Luffy's Round 03
In Round 03 of Alabasta, Luffy solved Water Limit problem by using his own Blood which is what? "Permanent"
So the Key to Defeating Kaido is what? Yes, it's a "Permanent CoC" & have we been teased about such Ability before?
Yes ofc, it's a BLACK SWORD. This means that Zoro will turn Enma Black with his CoC & end Kaido's career alongside his Head!!
However, this will happen after Luffy's Round 03 where he will have a much much better Fight with Kaido & push him to the Limits but still Fall JUST LIKE he fell due to poison against Crocodile in their Third Round.
So only difference between Crocodile & Kaido Fight is Inclusion of Zoro in Round 02 & 03
And in both of them, Zoro shines when his Captain is unable to Fight
It was a Scar + Asura in Round 02
And then it will be a Beheading + Black Sword in Round 03
But i'm not finished yet!!
Wano Scenario is EXACLTY same as Shells Town Arc Scenario
Zoro tries to Attack Helmeppo (2nd Villain of the Arc who relies on his Father's Name) because he tried attacking a Little Girl & then his Dog stands in Zoro's Way ----> The same EXACT Scenario happened when Zoro attacked Orochi (2nd Villain of the Arc who relies on Kaido's Name) because he tried to attack O-Toko & then Kyoshiro interevened & what did he call himself? That's right, he said "Dog".
You think this choice of Words is Random???
And do you know what else happened in that Arc? Zoro was Put on a Cross, why? Because he needs to Endure 30 Days
Was Zoro put on a Cross too in Wano Arc? YES, he was & why? Because he needs to Endure 30 Broken Bones
Damn, so much coincidences
Then what happened? Helmeppo told his Dad to get rid of Intruders & then Morgan punched him & told him that only reason he didn't kill him before is because he is his Son & that he is useless.
Which is exactly what Kaido said when he beheaded Orochi's Head !!
Story short, do you know how that Arc ended?
It ended by Luffy fighting Morgan & then he was Distracted by Helmeppo going to kill Koby & then Morgan going for the killing blow against Luffy but Zoro intervens & cuts Morgan!
And who is Koby? He was a scared little boy who wished he was stronger & more courageous & got inspired by Luffy & had big dream. Doesn't this ring a Bell? He is EXACTLY like Momonosuke
So yes, ladies & gentlemen, during Luffy's Round 03 against Kaido, Orochi will be there & threatening to kill Momo & then Kaido's Zoan Recovery kicks in & he is gonna end the exhausted Luffy but Zoro is there & we witness Luffy defeating Orochi & ZKK in an EPIC DOUBLE SPREAD over the FLOWER CAPITAL !!!
I have many other Hints i will share later, but i don't want Zoro Haters to have a Heart Attack yet. This is already too much for them to handle