Future Events Long Live ZKK

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I want to give another Hint that ZKK will Happen

Kaido Fight is shaping up to be very similar to Crocodile Fight as both were Much Stronger than Luffy, they were basically Untouchable at first & they One-Shot Luffy in Round 01 & then Threw him off the Castle in Round 02

However, there is one Scene that is Very Important & repeated itself, which is:
In both Scenes, the "Key" to Defeating Villain was shown (Water/CoC) by a Half-Unconscious/Bloodied Luffy
Which later then he figured to use them to be able to Harm Villain (Water for Crocodile & CoC for Kaido)
But his Reserve was Limited & eventually got Defeated anyway once Villain got Serious

However what's interesting is that Zoro got EXACT same Scene in his First Round against Kaido where the "Key" to Defeating Kaido was revealed to him right after his Round 01 Ended & he was Half-Unconscious/Bloodied.

But it doesn't end here, in First Round of Alabasta, Luffy was Saved by Robin & Healed by Robin & apparently Zoro is gonna be left with Hiyori who will tend to his Wounds (If Hiyori does indeed meet Zoro now & tend to his Wounds then it's MAJOR Hint that ZKK will happen)

However unlike Luffy who was unable to Harm Crocodile & Kaido in First Round, Zoro was able to but it wasn't Enough, meaning that Zoro's Roof Fight against Kaido was like Combination of Luffy's Round 01 & 02

Because if you think about it, in Luffy's Round 02 against Crocodile, he used New Form (Water Luffy) which is Basically a Form where Luffy Combined with "Key to defeating Crocodile" which is Water. He also landed One Attack, made Crocodile Dodge One & Block another & also made him get Serious & Trash the Place using his Sand Storm. Later then once Crocodile got Serious, Luffy lost & fell & wasn't able to save himself but got lucky & then he fell asleep until he woke up & went after Crocodile for Round 03.

Does all of this Ring a Bell? Zoro made Kaido Dodge One Attack, Block Another & forced him to Trash the Place using a Storm JUST LIKE Crocodile was in Round 02. Also just like Luffy combined with Water to make New Form & Harm Crocodile, guess what?
Zoro showed Asura which apparently is his CoC Form (Which is Key to defeating Kaido) but it was Limited just like the Water that Luffy drank was Limited. After that Zoro's Fight was over & he fell just like Luffy fell & got saved & then he fell asleep!!!!! and all of this are MAJOR HINTS that Round 02 is coming for Zoro which will be similar to Luffy's Round 03

In Round 03 of Alabasta, Luffy solved Water Limit problem by using his own Blood which is what? "Permanent"
So the Key to Defeating Kaido is what? Yes, it's a "Permanent CoC" & have we been teased about such Ability before?
Yes ofc, it's a BLACK SWORD. This means that Zoro will turn Enma Black with his CoC & end Kaido's career alongside his Head!!

However, this will happen after Luffy's Round 03 where he will have a much much better Fight with Kaido & push him to the Limits but still Fall JUST LIKE he fell due to poison against Crocodile in their Third Round.

So only difference between Crocodile & Kaido Fight is Inclusion of Zoro in Round 02 & 03
And in both of them, Zoro shines when his Captain is unable to Fight
It was a Scar + Asura in Round 02
And then it will be a Beheading + Black Sword in Round 03

But i'm not finished yet!!
Wano Scenario is EXACLTY same as Shells Town Arc Scenario

Zoro tries to Attack Helmeppo (2nd Villain of the Arc who relies on his Father's Name) because he tried attacking a Little Girl & then his Dog stands in Zoro's Way ----> The same EXACT Scenario happened when Zoro attacked Orochi (2nd Villain of the Arc who relies on Kaido's Name) because he tried to attack O-Toko & then Kyoshiro interevened & what did he call himself? That's right, he said "Dog".
You think this choice of Words is Random???

And do you know what else happened in that Arc? Zoro was Put on a Cross, why? Because he needs to Endure 30 Days
Was Zoro put on a Cross too in Wano Arc? YES, he was & why? Because he needs to Endure 30 Broken Bones
Damn, so much coincidences

Then what happened? Helmeppo told his Dad to get rid of Intruders & then Morgan punched him & told him that only reason he didn't kill him before is because he is his Son & that he is useless.
Which is exactly what Kaido said when he beheaded Orochi's Head !!

Story short, do you know how that Arc ended?
It ended by Luffy fighting Morgan & then he was Distracted by Helmeppo going to kill Koby & then Morgan going for the killing blow against Luffy but Zoro intervens & cuts Morgan!
And who is Koby? He was a scared little boy who wished he was stronger & more courageous & got inspired by Luffy & had big dream. Doesn't this ring a Bell? He is EXACTLY like Momonosuke

So yes, ladies & gentlemen, during Luffy's Round 03 against Kaido, Orochi will be there & threatening to kill Momo & then Kaido's Zoan Recovery kicks in & he is gonna end the exhausted Luffy but Zoro is there & we witness Luffy defeating Orochi & ZKK in an EPIC DOUBLE SPREAD over the FLOWER CAPITAL !!!

I have many other Hints i will share later, but i don't want Zoro Haters to have a Heart Attack yet. This is already too much for them to handle
This is brilliant!
This is something I wrote just after Chapter 1012 for some folks on the Zoro Discord Server. It's a bit dated.

I never really planned on posting it here after returning from my hiatus, but @Roronoa-sama requested it, so here you go.

As usual, I tag a lot of people for my posts. If you want to be removed from my tag lists, let me know. Likewise, if you want to be added.

Long Live ZKK
Recent chapters have been consistently undermining the case for Zoro Killing Kaido.

In Chapter 1010 Luffy thanked Zoro and Law for protecting him and asked them to leave matters to him. He declared that no matter what, he shall defeat Kaido:

In Chapter 1011, Law entrusted Luffy with defeating Kaido and left the Rooftop:

In Chapter 1012, Zoro himself asserted that Luffy will win:

Despite all of the above, I still think Zoro will get a dragon-slaying moment in Wano (likely over the Flower Capital).

I recommend reading @KiriNigiri's "Zoro's Second Confrontation With Kaido". It makes the case that Zoro has unfinished business with Kaido at much greater length.

I do not intend to rehash anything that was already covered in the above post, so I'll focus exclusively on the other reasons to believe that Zoro might yet slay Kaido.

The Necessity of Kaido's Death
I'd like to briefly recap the evidence in favour of Kaido's death (and why it's likely by beheading). If you've not read it yet, I recommend reading @Garp the Fist's "The Grand Kaido and Wano Death Compilation. It makes this argument at a much greater length.

The Scabbards expressed their desire to "take Kaido's head":

They stressed the need to "sever his windpipe":

They reiterated that the battle with Kaido is not over until he has been slain:

Oden himself has spoken of the need to kill Kaido.

He said that he came to cut off Kaido's head in his sleep:

He reiterated that he intends to behead Kaido:

Yamato consented to Kaido's death:

Yamato said that Ace came to kill Kaido:

Ace himself stated that he's here to take Kaido's head:

Finally, Kaido himself has repeatedly expressed his desire for (a glorious) death.

His introduction chapter is titled "Suicide":

He's searching for a place to die:

His hobby is suicide, and he laments that he survived his latest attempt:

He stated that because the Scabbards remind him of Oden, he could have let them kill him:

He believes that "death is what completes a person":

The necessity — you could even say the inevitability — of Kaido's death has been mentioned by at least five separate (groups of) characters:
  1. The Nine Scabbards
  2. Oden
  3. Yamato
  4. Ace
  5. Kaido himself
And even the Narrator!

If there's any character in One Piece that is destined for death, then it is without a doubt Hundred Beasts Kaido.

Zoro the Dragon Slayer
Now that I've covered why Kaido will die, I'd like to look at the evidence in favour of Zoro being the one to perform the deed. As I mentioned earlier, I'm not going to repeat anything that was covered in @KiriNigiri's "Zoro's Second Confrontation With Kaido" so please read it if you haven't already.

Character Statements
Yasuie's words at his execution have still not yet been vindicated:

This is pretty suggestive of Zoro being the one to take Kaido's head. This is what is normally called foreshadowing.

Supplementary Canon Material
One Piece Website

One Piece Magazines
One Piece Magazine Volume 5 said that Zoro might slay an Eastern Dragon:

In case there was any ambiguity about the Dragon they were referring to, they described Eastern Dragons with a picture of Kaido:

One Piece Magazine Volume 6 said that the Second Ryuma might have already been born:

It goes without saying, that Ryuma's most iconic legend is slaying a Dragon over the Flower Capital:

Shounen Jump Covers
The Shounen Jump cover for Issue 47 had the caption: "two pirates kill the evil spirit" with a picture of Zoro and Luffy crossing swords in front of Kaido:

One Piece Anime
The One Piece Anime Eye Catcher for Episode 973 featured Zoro slaying the Punk Hazard Dragon:

The Anime also spoiled that Kyoshiro is Denjiro.

Shimizu from Toei commented that the ending of Wano will be "surprising":

One Piece Treasure Cruise described Zoro and Luffy as the saviours of Wano:

Unless Oda has been consistently lying through his characters and supplementary canon material, he has set up Zoro to cut down Kaido and become a "saviour" to the people of Wano. Nothing Zoro has accomplished so far (blocking Hakai, scarring Kaido), qualify him for the title of a saviour. Especially when none of the Wano inhabitants witnessed his feats. If Zoro is to be recognised by the people of Wanokuni as a saviour — if he's to be acknowledged as the Second Ryuma — then he needs to replicate Ryuma's legend and deliver the country from its darkest hour.

Leaving aside Yasuie's words and the supplementary material, Zoro seems to have been set up for something monumental/important in this arc. Even if he's not going to be recognised as the Second Ryuma, he needs to do something monumental that would cause the people of Wanokuni to acknowledge him.
  • He promised that he would round up the Samurai, but failed to do so.
  • He was scorned as a Grave Robber that stole Shusui and caused misfortune to befall the country.
    • He's requested to be taken to Ryuma's grave after the end of the battle.
  • The Scabbards (e.g. Kawamatsu) did not consider him to be someone worthy of receiving Enma.
Zoro needs to be recognised by the people of Wano. This requires him to accomplish something that they witness. As of now, Zoro hasn't had any such accomplishment.

Recent chapters have tempered my faith in ZKK, and I now think it's much less likely than I did a month ago. That said, I am not yet willing to write it off. Leaving aside whether Oda follows through with killing Kaido off, I still think it's more likely than not that Zoro will get his dragon-slaying moment where he cuts him down.

@Benn beck

@Buggy D Clown
@Celestial D. Dragon
@Cyrus the Cactus
@Dark Hound
@Dark Knight Sanji

@Dr. Spook
@Fleet Admiral Lee Hung
@Fn Lucci
@Foxy Bunny
@Garp the Fist
@Garps tekkai
@Gensui Sazid
@Gol D. Roger
@Gon’s Missing Arm
@Grumpy Zoro
@Guan Yu
@Hanzo hattori
@Ice devil slayer
@Jew D. Boy
@Kuro Ashi
@Light D Lamperouge
@Luffy bin Dragon
@Luffy is the mc
@Midnight Delight
@Monkey D Theories
@Monster trio
@Mr. Anderson
@Orojackson Refugee

@Robin swan
@Sakura no Hiluluk
@Salah WG
@Sanji D Cook
@Starbound Beast D. Draig
@Sword God Ryuma
@Tenshi No Konan
@Ten Yaksha Blother
@Topi Jerami
@Usopp Haoshoku Haki
@Winsmoke Sanji
@worst pirate
@Yo Tan Wa
@yunzabit heights
@Zoro D Goat
Tag me next time. Love these kind of truthful threads.
There’s no real reason why a villain’s dream can’t happen, if that villains dream doesn’t oppose the Strawhats or harm anyone. Big Mom will probably get her dream of a happy family all sitting around a table together in peace.

It’ll just come at a cost, namely not being Big Mom, but Olin.

So Kaido can’t get his New Onigashima dream. That kills loads of people and defeats the Strawhats. He can’t get to fight in his glorious, grand war to end all wars. Instead he gets defeated in the prelude to it.

But the thing about wanting to kill himself, now, that’s entirely different. There’s room there for Kaido‘s life to be shown as a tragedy. What exactly has happened to him that makes him so suicidal? Does it tie into his insistence that pirates will betray people? Does he really understand what it was that made Roger, Whitebeard and Oden so great?

There’s a story to be told there. Oda can, perhaps, make us feel sorry for Kaido, before he’s killed.

And in addition to Enel on the moon, I’d like to remind everyone that Wapol, who very much tried to arrange the death of Chopper’s father, is currently extremely rich, a king and married to a supermodel. And most of BW is currently running a cafe where they are quite literally living their dreams.


𝐀𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐏𝐞𝐭
Fact is that there are still a few arcs after wano. Scarring kaido and defeating king is enough to get Zoro a 1.5B+ bounty. He can get the type of fame you are talking about when he beats an admiral or Mihawk
Nah, Zoro would already be well renown when he faces Mihawk.

And most of BW is currently running a cafe where they are quite literally living their dreams.
Baroque Works?

Why does Zoro need to be more famous than Kid, literally the only other pirate bar blackbeard portrayed to be Luffy's rival? That would be like Rayleigh being more famous than whitebeard.
No, that will be like Rayleigh being more famous than Linlin (he is).

The best that Kidd and Law can hope for is to be the Linlin/Roger of the next generation. They will not stand equal to Luffy in renown or infamy.


Zoro Worshipper
Actually Robin, Brook, Chopper, Jinbe and Franky are the only ones that have always been up. Among them there shoukd be the real captain :blush:

Funnily enough, they first 5 strawhats already fell at least once:milaugh:
The Grandmaster once claimed that he expected Luffy to be as powerful as he was witnessing (paraphrased) or else he would have taken over inside the crew. :cheers:
Funny you say that because Luffy is also knocked out and isn't in such a great condition himself atm falling from the roof, does that completely erase any chance of him recovering and later defeating Kaido as well:sanmoji:.
Luffy isn’t the one with 20 ~ 30 broken bones. Let alone Luffy is the one meant to defeat the main villain of the arc as the main character and not his subordinate the weaker fighter.... Luffy is either gonna get back up soon or the raid fails now and we get a rematch between Luffy and Kaido.
It will happen for sure. Zoro's gonna bitch slap Kaido and become the new Ryuma. He aint this Oden cuck, he's the fucking Dragon Slayer.

He already took Oden's sword, will forge a black blade where Oden failed to, will behead Kaido where Oden failed to, will take Oden's daughter, will take Momonosuke's Shogun role and will take Oden's legacy.

The Grand Master is the real deal, tanking the world strongest attack, trashing the strongest living being on earth, blasting on the ground his fat wife Bigmama, no one can test the real Z !
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Warchief Sanji D Goat

Amagami Sister!⛩️
Great thread Cinpai. Just gonna repost this real quick.
ZKK can't work when Kaido is defeated. Zoro is not that type of guy that would kill an unconscious guy and Kaido want to have an honorable death. I can see Luffy pummeling Kaido on top of the Flower Capital and Zoro jump in and severe his head off right before Kaido gone unconscious. Other than that, I don't see how ZKK is happening.
Even though I might considered the probability of ZKK happening, I will stay back for now cuz Oda is unpredictable. I'll give it 50% chance of happening for now.

Cuz umm...... I don't want to look like a clown when ZKK doesn't happen.:jay-he:
Care to share these? I believe I speak for a lot of us here.
I want it now 😩😫 plzz lol
Another Hint that i can share now, is this:

ZKK obviously started because Ryuma slayed a Dragon before & Zoro is the New Ryuma.
Guess what else can be found in Ryuma's Story
Two Major Elements:

1. Ryuma befriended a Girl who acted as the Main Damsel in Distress of his Story, so basically she should be represented by Hiyori in Wano Story. Guess what? How did Ryuma meet that Girl? He was Very Hungry & she Fed him. Did Hiyori did that? She ABSOLUTELY did.
But the similarities don't end here, this Girl that Ryuma befriended wasn't just a Random Girl with Food, she was a Survivor of the Dragon's Last Attack on her Village & it killed both her Parents & burned her Home. EXACTLY like Hiyori lol
This girl had alone time with Ryuma before Dragon attacked & she was the only one who didn't run among Civilians & Ryuma beheaded the Dragon in front of her. (So if Hiyori meet Zoro in upcoming Chapters, go tell Zoro Haters to buy lot of Diapers)

2. Ryuma was considered Strongest Swordsman & Strongest Man but guess what? In his One-Shot, he wasn't introduced like that. He was just a Ronin & his Dream was to Fight the Greatest Swordsman & when he asked about him, the Villagers couldn't recall his Name.
But after Ryuma beheaded the Dragon, there were "Three" very Interesting Scenes:
  1. The Girl was shocked & asked him how was he able to slay the Dragon but she never heard of him before! which Ryuma replied to: "A Battle isn't measured by how much Fame you gained through it, but by what you protected!". So the one who is gonna Slay Kaido is someone who is a "Protector" & doesn't have much Fame which he will gain once he defeats the Dragon, just like Ryuma
  2. When Ryuma gave his Name to Villagers & left. And after they saw his Insane Power, one of them said that he is Ryuma "The King" but he DOESN'T KNOW IT HIMSELF. And clearly King refers to CoC & who is the Character who doesn't know he has CoC? That's obviously Chopper.
    It's ofc FREAKING ZORO, the one who doesn't know he have King's Quality/CoC
  3. That villager further added that the reason Ryuma is King is because he is "THE SWORDSMAN WHO CARRIES THE WORLD'S GREATEST WARRIOR SOUL". (PS: Inb4 Zoro haters will make a Thread for Damage Control trying to explain that Zoro is not a Swordsman & not Crew's Fighter, he is their Navigator & a Sword User, not Swordsman lmao)


Kitetsu Wanker
Another Hint that i can share now, is this:

ZKK obviously started because Ryuma slayed a Dragon before & Zoro is the New Ryuma.
Guess what else can be found in Ryuma's Story
Two Major Elements:

1. Ryuma befriended a Girl who acted as the Main Damsel in Distress of his Story, so basically she should be represented by Hiyori in Wano Story. Guess what? How did Ryuma meet that Girl? He was Very Hungry & she Fed him. Did Hiyori did that? She ABSOLUTELY did.
But the similarities don't end here, this Girl that Ryuma befriended wasn't just a Random Girl with Food, she was a Survivor of the Dragon's Last Attack on her Village & it killed both her Parents & burned her Home. EXACTLY like Hiyori lol
This girl had alone time with Ryuma before Dragon attacked & she was the only one who didn't run among Civilians & Ryuma beheaded the Dragon in front of her. (So if Hiyori meet Zoro in upcoming Chapters, go tell Zoro Haters to buy lot of Diapers)

2. Ryuma was considered Strongest Swordsman & Strongest Man but guess what? In his One-Shot, he wasn't introduced like that. He was just a Ronin & his Dream was to Fight the Greatest Swordsman & when he asked about him, the Villagers couldn't recall his Name.
But after Ryuma beheaded the Dragon, there were "Three" very Interesting Scenes:
  1. The Girl was shocked & asked him how was he able to slay the Dragon but she never heard of him before! which Ryuma replied to: "A Battle isn't measured by how much Fame you gained through it, but by what you protected!". So the one who is gonna Slay Kaido is someone who is a "Protector" & doesn't have much Fame which he will gain once he defeats the Dragon, just like Ryuma
  2. When Ryuma gave his Name to Villagers & left. And after they saw his Insane Power, one of them said that he is Ryuma "The King" but he DOESN'T KNOW IT HIMSELF. And clearly King refers to CoC & who is the Character who doesn't know he has CoC? That's obviously Chopper.
    It's ofc FREAKING ZORO, the one who doesn't know he have King's Quality/CoC
  3. That villager further added that the reason Ryuma is King is because he is "THE SWORDSMAN WHO CARRIES THE WORLD'S GREATEST WARRIOR SOUL". (PS: Inb4 Zoro haters will make a Thread for Damage Control trying to explain that Zoro is not a Swordsman & not Crew's Fighter, he is their Navigator & a Sword User, not Swordsman lmao)
Yeah, there are lots of parallels. I dont know how anyone can deny it any longer but oh well...
What do you think led to Kozukis closing off the borders of Wano? :sanmoji: