What do you guys think Yamato's mythical devil fruit is?

  • Kirin/Qilin

    Votes: 81 32.3%
  • The Amaterasu Wolf from Ōkami

    Votes: 110 43.8%
  • Lion King

    Votes: 10 4.0%
  • Something else

    Votes: 32 12.7%
  • Dragopuppy is a slow mod

    Votes: 4 1.6%
  • TACy is even worse

    Votes: 14 5.6%

  • Total voters
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Oda is such a hack if he doesn’t let Usopp, Brook, and Chopper get serious 1v1s like the rest of the SHs. He could have very easily made it happen by giving them P1, WsW, and Pero, but chose not to for some reason (assuming they don’t happen). Like what possible good reason could there be for just denying 3 SHs their own fights?
I believe Ussop will get a pivotal side plot where he'd showcase his sniping skills and reflexes.. he can be an important asset as an assist to the allies as a ranged combatant

Protecting tama when thousands are on their tail.. some insane extreme sniping moments..

You know actually i have considered Ussop going to the roof for assist where M3 Yamato and jimbe fight kaido and ussop stalls and dithers every movement from kaido.. as in taking laws role

Then again ussop can do that to BM as well assisting Kid and law.

there are various possibilities for ussop role moving on honestly
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I hope he took Pfizer tbh
nah its Paracetamol
Oda is such a hack if he doesn’t let Usopp, Brook, and Chopper get serious 1v1s like the rest of the SHs. He could have very easily made it happen by giving them P1, WsW, and Pero, but chose not to for some reason (assuming they don’t happen). Like what possible good reason could there be for just denying 3 SHs their own fights?
Usopp will be big in Elbaf
Oda is such a hack if he doesn’t let Usopp, Brook, and Chopper get serious 1v1s like the rest of the SHs. He could have very easily made it happen by giving them P1, WsW, and Pero, but chose not to for some reason (assuming they don’t happen). Like what possible good reason could there be for just denying 3 SHs their own fights?
Nami, Usopp, Chopper will not get srrious 1v1 anymore in this arc. Flying six are too strong for them, tho I could see a Monster Chopper perhaps capable to beat one as that form should be able to tank their attacks and judging he fought a Commander
If Sanji really is fighting on/slightly above par with Hybrid Queen then I can't imagine this being much higher than Jabra-level in terms of difficulty once he puts on the RS.

unless Queen has a crazy awakening...perhaps of the Mecha Godzilla variety...don't be a coward Oda, let the best Calamity shine :queenhear:


Kitetsu Wanker
Zoro is my favourite character and I don’t like Luffy but he’s the MC. They are around the same lvl but I think Luffy is a bit stronger.
This is not about favorites or MCs... Zoro has been created for one purpose only - to be the strongest. Rooftop performance backs it up.
@nik87 Also I didn't mean to insult you as a non- genuine fan. Sorry if it came off the wrong way!
Dont see what would insult me in there... As mentioned, people still dont realize that Oda wants Zoro to be the strongest character ever.
You can believe whatever you want. @nik87 believed Chopper was stronger than Sanji 4 weeks ago. You can believe whatever nonesense come to your mind, the fact is Zoro has better feats, potrayal, and is stated in databooks/Vivrecard to be better. Facts don't care about feelings.
How did having more raw strength than Sanji become Chopper stronger than Sanji? Quote me where I said that Chopper is stronger than Sanji. Having more raw strength than Sanji =/= stronger than Sanji. And make no mistake, Chopper does have more raw strength than Sanji, way more.
You never saw what Sanji did, also he claimed its impossible to get out, shortly before Franky proved him wrong.
you can't see Sanji kicking in the manga but When he's shown.. there is no sign that he just deactivated DJ if he did use it since the dent in the door isn't not even charred black .. another way to gauge it is looking at the anime where he doesn't use DJ.....

the door literally was to negate any and every Shockwave and sanji dents it just common kicks .. franky uses laser and melts the sides of the door which just blasts it away..

i doubt even luffy in this situation would be able to do anyway except resort to gear 3 or red hawk


Heavy Metal
No offense to the leakers since they owe us nothing but sometimes they act like a bunch of children :pepeanger:
Oh wait i'm a 26 yo fully grown man and i'm participating in a war between 2 drawings so can't blame them :pepedoffy:
31 years old man, coming out of gym from
Lifting heavy weights, on my way to work and leading my own department in a clinic, while I am reading the newest spoilers of one piece.

i guess we all need our non adult stuff,
Whatever scratch or even scar won't matter if he didn't knock down Kaido like Oden did
People acting like knocking down means more damage xD
So Luffys gear 4 Punches that did NOTHING or Kidd throwing Kaido did more damage than Ashura? This is just stupid.
Meanwhile Zoros attack is the only one that Kaido himself commended for it's effectiveness.
Also, again, Oden fought Kaido 20 years ago. Kaido NOW is almost guaranteed to be stronger. And Oden hit DRAGON Kaido. Hybrid has performed MUUUUCH better than dragon form. So stop acting like Oden back then would low diff current Kaido. It's a different story.
And even if Zoro didn't outperform Oden yet, Zoro is 21, Oden was 39. Zoro is getting back up this chapter, Odens feat was his FINAL one. Hating on Zoro and pretending like he ain't shit will just bite you back and everyone with 2 brain cells to rub against each other would realize this. Zoro already replicated Odens feat and he will far surpass him in Wano.


Talent is something you make bloom.
How the hell Franky knows Queen is cyborg
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This is you when Killer spoilers show up
Queen is doing some crazy cyborg shit.
Sanji comments that Franky might want some of the stuff Queen is capable of doing, because that's his thing as well.
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