I'll bring you the scene showing Pound hitting Over which is supported by the new impact hit created from Pound attack and you claim he didn't hit him. You're getting desperate now.
Here it is in order.
Sanji hit Oven with crates an impact mark and has black lightning.
Here the scene shows Sanji attack in slow motion so we can see the damage it cost. At this point in time all we see is this black lightning from the attack. But then in the middle scene we see a new impact mark created. It didn't come from Sanji because his attack has already collided which means it comes from Pound.
Here we see Oven has a bloody lip and his collarbone hurts. The collarbone is the one he's concerned with which is where Sanji hit him. Sanji did not hit him in the face so that further supports Pound hit him.
Over comment was referring to his injured collarbone not his face because that's what he was concerned about.