LOL, I don't NEED anyone permission to consider myself a Sanji fan
I am a person who loves Sanji BECAUSE I stand by his ideals and share his past:
1- I love cooking just like him
2- People can call me sexist however they want, but I stand with Sanji's code of not hitting women.
3- I love his style of fighting NOT including his hands. and I do not want him to include it EVEN if he gets stronger than Zoro... because simply it's MORE aesthetically pleasing to the eye to see a guy fight with his hands in his pockets... and the only guy who does that in other anime is BADASS Jotaro from Jojo
Always hands in pockets LMAO, just awesome
4- His childhood I can relate to in many ways but I can't fully explain the details of it
5- He wears suits and ALWAYS looking fresh and great, something I like
6- he's a perv, and I am myself a perv, and I don't mind ALL THE NOSEBLEED in the show... I'm one of the few who will laugh and have good time with it, while other Sanji fans are trying to defend the scene and be angry from oda because he's using a nosebleed... I aknowledge he's a simp, and I like that he's a simp because I am a simp LOL
So my relation to Sanji is >>>> than another fan to determine if I'm a Sanji fanboy or not LOL. I like him for different reasons than most fans here do with other characters... I don't need to put Sanji stronger than Zoro to be more fan. I recognize that Sanji is overall weaker by Oda's standards, because Oda will ALWAYS end up making Zoro pull bigger feats, ad I love Zoro, but I simply love Sanji more as character, and enjoy him waaaaaaay more