Go back to the post mate. I won't repeat 10 times
Nice way to run away from, Chicken.
Those are allies not close ally, but that's just semantic. You can call the strawhats extremily close ally if you prefer, they are still ally in the storytelling sence.
An ally is a person on the side of the protagonist. An ally can be family, friends, aquaintance. Its a large group.
hahaha.. Mate.
If only you knew and understood just how ridiculous this statement is when you are talking to me
Omg dude, there are just so many assertions on your part.
Like, can you provide evidence for it? Which source do you take it from that friends, family, etc are always refered as "allies" in storytelling? There is no point in the story when Luffy's crew members were regarded as his allies.
The only ridiculous thing is you acting all highly and mighty when you're just spewing bullshit.
Because you know a lot of family when there is a hierarchy ?
You are really not helping your argument here since neither Luffy and Zoro are considered "parents" lmao
Luffy and Zoro don't have to act as "parents" because the strawhats are basically like siblings.
es, indeed, you ended up replying.
Giving the worst answer possible xD
You are literally choosing the words of the author over what he writes.
There is so many problems with that ...
Oh no! I'm relying on the author's statement to make a point! How silly of me!
I'm not here to judge if an author uses it mate. Author usually don't have problem understanding storytelling so they can stray from the path if they want to.
My problem is with people like this fanbase that does not have all the tools to understand correctly storytelling and therefore risk to confuse itself and creates illegitimate expectations in the process.
Because, let's be honest, if you consider that Zoro is a deuteragonist, what it will create is the expectation that Zoro will outshine ALL the character beside Luffy before the end of the manga.
This is something that will not happen, not matter how hard you expect it. So people will get disappointed, and hatred will flow. All because people like you choosed to extrapolate and missinterprete what Oda said about Zoro.
Zoro will stay Zoro, he will have shining moments, like all the strawhats, but he won't outshine all the characters in the story. That's will simply not happen. So be careful and stop spreading BS
Yet you're here to spew bullshit on the fact that the author uses this term. You vehemently deny the sincerety of this statement that you try to give your halfassed, made up "storytelling terms" to prove a non-existent point.
It's you who doesn't understand simple storytelling because you are too stubborn and warped into your own perception of reality. There is really no hope for you, lol.
Forget outshining other characters, Zoro outshined Luffy on the rooftop and he was the only one who scarred Kaido before Luffy received his power up. Law, Kidd and Killer - these characters were important characters to the story and Zoro outperformed them combined. He even took on Hakai singlehandely. Which strawhat came close to this kind of portrayal and importance in Wano? Whenever Zoro is there, he delivers. Besides, tell me this, did Nami or Sanji received this panel when they beat their respective opponent?
Be honest, tell me exactly which character shared their moment with Luffy like that?
We debated the entire time about your bullshit arguments but what ultimately boils down is the fact that you downplay Zoro's achievements compared to the rest of the strawhats in this story.
There is no need to, he doesn't have to outshine other characters in the story to be regarded the deuteragonist. When it comes to power, Zoro will be one of the strongest characters by default because his goal is associated to the WSS who had equal duels with Shanks. Law will be ultimately highly outclassed. Kidd is already highly outclassed.
Actually there is. The belief that "there is no right way" comes from people who idealize the craft of storytelling or first years study in screenwriting classes.
If you start learning about the subject and manage to allow self critic, you will learn real fast that there is a right way to create stories. UNLESS you want you story to stay invisible. In that case, yes, you can do whatever you want.
But in modern storytelling there are what we could call classic rules that you can't avoid. Even if your name is Eiichiro Oda. ESPECIALLY if your name is Eiichiro Oda.
In the same way, we categorize character in different classes for a reason in order to avoid the confusion and keep everything readable.
Starting from that point is POSSIBLE (even if I consider it not really pertinent or necessary) to use the term Deuteragonist to classify some characters.
BUT you need to do it right. And doing it right in that case, means understanding that Zoro is not special compared to all the strawhat aside from his position and that ALL the strawhats but also ALL the main arc character should be call "deuteragonist" as well.
Then tell me the "right way", mr. expert.
Self critic? Really? This comes from you who thinks he understands storytelling and its terms better than the author of One Piece? Who needs to lecture others how they are interpreting Oda's statement? This shit being ironic is an understatement.
Lmao, the more you talk, the more you write complete garbage. Now you wanna tell me Oda broke those rules when he stated how Zoro is the deuteragonist? The total state of your mentality.

It's you who created the confusion in the first place. Oda solved the misunderstanding and confirmed Zoro's position in the story - you went butthurt and started doing your usual autistic nonsensical BS about "proper storytelling", "It's not true when it comes to narration", etc.
"Understanding that Zoro is not special compared to all the strawhats", "
except his position".
Repeat after me: "Except his position.", "Except. His. Position.",
If all strawhats would be deuteragonist judging by Oda's statement, he'd have mention how he made the deuteragonists of his story as Luffy's crew members. He didn't. What he did was making a secondary MC who is "like Ryuma". Guess who is like Ryuma? It's Zoro. Guess who was one of the reasons OP became this popular? It's Zoro? Guess whose goal is the most compatible with Luffy's? It's Zoro because both dreams are about pure strength, power and worldly recognition. Guess whose goal also impacts the whole story? It's also Zoro's because we have so many swordsmen who are connected to Zoro's goal and there is a weapon system dedicated to Zoro's goal...
Nop. Nothing said by Oda is wrong. In fact I completely agree and I believe completely Oda on his statement about Ryuma and his early creation.
Gosh, you truly are one of the stupidest mfs on this forum. You clearly rival Rootbeer with your bullshit.
Oda (this month): Before OP started, I already had the idea of having a character like Luffy as the protagonist. In order to be popular, I
prepared someone like Ryuma as the 2nd main character.《TN: Does that mean Zoro, whose ancestor is Ryuma, can be another protagonist...?》
someone like Ryuma"
"Like Ryuma"
"L.I.K.E R.Y.U.M.A"
Zoro IS LIKE RYUMA, he is RYUMA'S DESCENDANT!!!!!!! you dumbass.