@AL sama
"In 2020 and 2021 Hololive started to break records after records as an uprising streaming agency. Whoever gets trapped into the world of VTubers might never again see a world without VTubers. That is what a big factor those play in the internet community. Idols, Entertainer and Actors, they found a new platform to reach out to millions of people and inspire them to strive for fun and thus a better future. Sooner or later everyone will be part of this rabbit hole, we are together in this.
Since 2020 Hololive has tackled the english market with their own branch...this gave Hololive the push to a more present, global popularity. The virus has officially started to spread..."
Special Mechanics:
Each VTuber is allowed to participate in the Collaboration Stream Programm of Hololive! Everyone can apply for it during the day, by sending the name of their wished collaboration partner to the host Yagoo.
Yagoo will be kinda overwhelmed with all the hypothetical collabs, each one having the potential of becomming a true banger and rememberworthy to every Hololive fan. That's why Yagoo will rand 2 collaborations out of all applications, to have them stream during the night:
So every day a player can submit their collaboration partner. During the end of the day those will be randed, only 2 pairs may stream at night. They will be able to post in a separate thread at night, no votes will happen during the night.
Outfit Awards:
During the game our VTubers may earn additional outfits that will empower them.
The Swim Suit:

Model: Akai Haato
The Swimsuit is an occasionally gifted outfit that is given out to any VTuber that can handle it.
The user often spreads a whole new level of memergy increasing their reach and content-diversity by alot. Every fan will like it!
Obtainable after remaining 4 cycles into the game and voting off 3 Vtuber that do not belong to your core faction.
[Reverse Psychology] - Imagine your innocent Idol suddenly wearing a swimsuit, isn't that yabe? On the other hand this is the biggest fanservice to some people... Whoever possesses the Swimsuit will give reversed investigation results.
[Blinding] - The power of Oppai will blind a target of your choice. There is a 40% chance that they will be Ultra Roleblocked for a night. After using this ability restore a shot of any shotrestricted ability that you used this game. [1-shot]
The Idol Outfit:

Model: Akai Haato
The Idol Outfit is representing Yagoo's dream of a seiso idol group. Most girls aim to own one of these on their 3D models and serve a blasting performance to the Hololive audience. You are on the top once you own this!
Obtainable after reaching a total of 100 posts in both game thread and waiting rooms, and after using 5 Night Actions successfully and accordingly to your faction.
[Yagoo's Dream] - Or atleast the closest thing to it in some cases... The owner of an Idol Outfit will return innocent and this can't be changed by role- or faction-related abilities. Sanity will still apply on the result. Additionally they start the day with a -1 Shadow Vote on them.
[3D Live Performance] - At night the owner will announce an impressive upcomming performance. They will have a guaranteed slot in an upcomming Collaboration Stream. Streams with owners of Idol Outfits can contain up to 4 players.
The Kimono:

Model: Akai Haato
The Kimono Outfit will be individually tailored for special occasions, namely Festivals like New Years Eve or Golden Week for example. Kimonos are tradiotional Japanese clothing and they have a certain appeal to them. Want to catch this appeal, grab yourself one of these!
Obtainable after remaining alive in the game for 8 whole cycles.
[Festivities] - It's a special occasion and the numbers are booming. Due to the massive amount of viewers during a festival season, the owner of this outfit will receive an enhanced vote. They will be able to vote once in the game during day, while death. [1-shot]
[Aesthetic Stream] - Kimono streams often follow special aesthetics, and they are extraordinary wholesome. For such an performance a VTuber needs disclosure. You can use this ability alongside other night abilities. The owner can restore one shot of any shot-restricted ability used up to this point. You will be Super Unstoppable during that night. [1-shot]
Waiting Rooms:
During the night chatting will be enable but it takes place in seperate "backstage rooms", the so called "Waiting Rooms".
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