As Onigashima is shown from more and more angles, it is evident that this island isn't as huge as people make it out to be.
Jozu for example blocked Mihawk's slash, which towered over the Moby dick, effortlessly. Zoro blocked Hakai for e few seconds at the cost of having his body crushed, without nullifying the attack. Which is still great, but not out of everyone's league. The two Yonko were also pretty casual using that move.

Jozu for example blocked Mihawk's slash, which towered over the Moby dick, effortlessly. Zoro blocked Hakai for e few seconds at the cost of having his body crushed, without nullifying the attack. Which is still great, but not out of everyone's league. The two Yonko were also pretty casual using that move.
>Being consistent with sizes and scaling