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Are you bussing Ratchet?

Because you're just now leaving enough room for a derail to an Ultra lynch while also getting cred in case Ratchet flips scum with that argument.

Never stop walking! Always keep moving forward!
I've been scum-leaning Ratchet since D1. We should only be so lucky that you're finally looking at scum rather than leading us astray anymore.


False Idol
He is a good candidate to lynch. Ratchet is just better for now.
Going to point out that you said he was equally valid to Ratchet a few minutes ago lol.

I donโ€™t get scum vibes from his posts Iโ€™ve read. Iโ€™ve consistently come away from them seeing a townie thought process that makes sense. Lind and him are my two strongest town reads so if you call him a top lynch candidate Iโ€™d kind of expect to see specific examples lol.
Going to point out that you said he was equally valid to Ratchet a few minutes ago lol.

I donโ€™t get scum vibes from his posts Iโ€™ve read. Iโ€™ve consistently come away from them seeing a townie thought process that makes sense. Lind and him are my two strongest town reads so if you call him a top lynch candidate Iโ€™d kind of expect to see specific examples lol.
I have to spend all day looking over semantics. I can speak casually here. I fully support them as leading wagons.

I don't hear any other good options from anyone else here. I see no real pushes either.
So this oturight tinfoil, but Fuji has a point, some of Muugens abilities are questionable for town alignment.

However that being said novas can be crazy with his roles, this is the weebs afterall.

So this is a TINFOIL bottomline

So lind claimed he saw Muugens rolesheet, he said he was pretty sure it was town, I think just by looking at the sheet it looks super stacked and the fact he just instantly thought "yeah this is town" seems a bit dubious to me

he is adamant that muugen will flip town, because Muugen might've been a deathmiller all along.

This would make sense why Lind is so carelessly defending muugen and why his defense of him felt so fake to me.

But I realize nobody's probably gonna listen to this anyway.

I'm down for a Ratchet lynch as well - considering that explotion

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lmao hi ripped!! :catpole:



Certified Memelord
Ratchetโ€™s very scummy lmao. Refuses to reveal result and got triggered out their mind when questioned. I know what an outrage looks like and that shit fake af.

I have a few questions for you as well. Given that you and Lind have implied youโ€™re able to mechanically confirm each other, or at least thatโ€™s how it sounded to me, Iโ€™mma ask you to claim exactly how eventually cuz that doesnโ€™t sit well with me. Next, what are your thoughts on Mango? From what I remember on NF you pretty much always claim to know Mangoโ€™s play for each alignment very well, but I havenโ€™t see that yet. And then finally what do you think about Odd? Between the two of you I lean towards someone being scum given the night chat capabilities. I find him more town then you so far. Am I right in saying your play feels drastically different? Maybe that was a NAI conscious choice from you.
> ratchet said hes unable to claim cuz role restriction. does that change anything for u? if hes "very scummy" as u say, i wonder why r u considering rhea as a better option. is she THAT scummy?
> wont confirm or deny things about me and lind unless we REALLY have to. thats free info we r handing scum
> i dont recall claiming being good at reading mango, but i know he open wolves really hard as mafia. hes soft scum for me rn after his overly tunnel on lind
> leaning more towny or indie on odd rn. doesnt seem he has agenda in mind regarding the current wagons, nor is he trying to drive us anywhere or away from anyone scummy. u have seen the roles that flipped so far. its very possible we r both town or at worst he is an indie. im not gna try to solve us based on our abilities. surely u dont think the game is this easy to solve
> yes i am post skip ekko, cool calm n collected. get used to it i guess

Light D Lamperouge

๐–‚๐–๐–†๐–™ ๐•ฎ๐–”๐–š๐–‘๐–‰ ๐•ณ๐–†๐–›๐–Š ๐•ญ๐–Š๐–Š๐–“
It's strange that there is resistance against this Ratchet/Ultra wagon that is struggling to form.
Which of them would you vote for?

What better options are there that others wish to concentrate on? I don't know.
My vote is on Rhea so maybe there.

zemmi is the only indie that was forcibly outed. and she came the last. plus shes the only one with 2 failed superkills on her. AND shes also doesnt seem to have an inherently pro town wincon. u cant compare zemmi to the other indies hayumi. all indies r not the same so u cant say why zemmi but not the others.
Like I said I trust Zemmi is being honest here and my vote won't go to her today.

u wont be able to form a solid case on rhea or get people to follow you without either providing a really good tangible result on her or a reason for people to leave ratchet/ultra wagons. dropping vote on rhea and telling others to folloe alone wont do anything. it just looks like fake contibution by you because u should be fully aware this wont go anywhere without properly pushing it.

so like i said this isnt the time because until now u have not yet provided us reasons for moving from the previous wagons. the correct progression would be for u to first tell us why ratchet/ultra should not be the play the either drop a case on rhea thats very condemning (not just say shes inactive and scummy, cuz like 20 other players are too) or simply drop a really good result on her.

same goes for u @Light D Lamperouge
does that answer the question?
@Hayumi has already provided a convincing case on Misty whom Rhea subbed in for.

Ok sooo I went and quoted the only posts from Misty that I found somewhat relevant.

Honestly wondering what this contributed to the convo. Whether someone wanted on the council or not is totally NAI if anything.

Again talking about the council, and makes an odd comment about people voting for Drago and Zemmi. One being essentially confirmed town and the other one I'm pretty sure is town also so. Also keep noted of the bold. Sis says that she thinks Flower is pretty genuine and would be voting her for council.

This was her response to Drago when they had a short back and forth if I'm not mistaken, again shading those who want to be on council and kind of just piggybacking off the sus on Drago.

This was in response to Zemmi basically saying she sussed her, ect. Sounds fake af if you ask me.

Gets called out for having a weird "case" on Drago, and again throws sus on people wanting to be on council, primarily Drago who is confirmed town imo at this point.

She encourages Drago to

Random sus on Ekko and then read the bolded. So basically she never comments much on Drago again after having encouraged him to claim. and now suddenly seems fine with lynching Flower all because of Drago's case even tho earlier she was shading Drago and town read flower? And she got subbed, so interesting.
[Vote Lynch Rhea]

And after subbing in Rhea has not done anything to improve her standing. Out of the 81 posts she has made, I think I can maybe find 5 or 6 posts that are actually something worthwhile. Most are fluffy, small talk and/or activity excuses and complaints about not being able to catch up
300+ pages to read................................................

Yoo Hayuu~
I might be not hot if read all those pages Hayumi
Ahh okay, sorry. I've trouble to keep read all post :catcry:
And here we go again, left behind lot of pages as always.
What did you expect if I get lost with this game with so many post behind?
I'm trying my best here since yesterday and struggling to catch up.
I'm already stressed and dont know what happen rn lmao

If its was like the previous weeb game with your help and @Lindltaylor, there will be fresh summary.
It would be easy.
I'm trying my best, but I'm still to far better.
I cant find any good case just following and help with the current case.
I havent read all newest post after that lind's vote count. MVP Town weeb Mango already on the move or what?
Morning, havent read all the pages.
Anyone already wondering why Odd and Ekko can post and vote at the council?
Havent read all the pages, but I dont like how Ekko and Odd can join the council.
Odd had a passive to join the council, and still wait for Ekko.
ts just Beky, on Ekko.... I'm still confuse what so wrong about him since I mostly skipped and didnt read his post.
But, he always has been so wrong in every game btw. But, something else that place vote on Ekko alongside with Beky.
Most of her other posts are also some empty blanket statements and questions. Like here, promising to check on Sallu, whom she said she is acquainted with due to him playing in a game she had hosted
Aight, I've Hosted game when he is scum. I will check him later and hope I got something.
which amounted to nothing bar this literally blanket post again
@Fujishiro He is likely active so far, but sometimes leave when there is something pushing him cmiw.
But I check this and he said he knew Drago scum plays and think Drago is Town.

Read a bit his post about Tris also, but he said he want to play more with her to know her play style.

This looking for cases on Adam and you
Its just Beky, on Ekko.... I'm still confuse what so wrong about him since I mostly skipped and didnt read his post.
But, he always has been so wrong in every game btw. But, something else that place vote on Ekko alongside with Beky.
I will just wait Drago response and later drop my vote if already clears.

Brb, its my golden saturday morning here and see you later.
But later not voting for any of you as far as I am aware of.

Then this wondering about how you and Odd are on the council
@oddoddfruit @Ekkologix Why did you both can join the council?
Ahh I see, If I'm not mistaken you're the Mr. Egg right?
Okay, and now I'm bit worried if you had a passive that can join the council discussion.
If it was your passive idk if its sounds Townie for me.

I will wait for @Ekkologix response.

Okay. Thanks Kvothe.
Really? I havent read it.
What do you think about those passive?
which did not really yield anything at all because this is Rhea's last post on that matter
Both of them can be Town either Scum, but also one of them might be Indie and can help Town.
If both of them has not yet harming Town, we can keep them imo.
in which she states you can either be scum, or town or indie. Which is not anything groundbreaking.

And this shading of Naomi here
May I know why you didnt put Lind on your reads update?
Considering if Lind is very active imo.

I dont care about Misty tbh.
I will just try to keep playing and contribute.
Both of them can be Town either Scum, but also one of them might be Indie and can help Town.
If both of them has not yet harming Town, we can keep them imo.
It's very weird that you didn't include such an active person on your list tbh.
for not including Lindie in one of her posts with rainbow reads, but Naomi had already had a read on Lindie a bit earlier than those posts
Lind-at first leaned town, 50/50 looked like he was diverting lynch along with other not sus beky.

And this was perhaps Rhea's most useful post
I think it should be done only for inactive/fluff player only, let them not have 1 coin for free. But do not vote for any player that can help/post something useful.

If they both fight then scum read Borto. Is it just probably Town vs Town? Lol

Ehh, interesting. Typo style on last weeb game is kind of tricky as a Scum. Maybe need to check all of his post and interaction some more.

Is it really a Joke or just a slip? ๐Ÿ‘€

Why he is using on Zem, not Ekko btw. Its really bugging me somehow, unless someone forced him to do.
So, her wincon its just to find 5 androids? If I'm not mistaken its something like Kurapika on last game right?

Idk about Flowa being perma role crushed, I'm still had PTSD on Flowa's Valentine games. Might carefully Lind.


If Sallu didnt said it from where he got this info, can we just assume if he just checked Muu?


Idk, I dont have any super play like any of you to makes you all impressed or something else but my hunch said Muu its just a Town, here is why :

Sallu already checked him and see his roles are can help Town. Ofc if anyone here trust Sallu, if Sallu cant be trusted. Then...

Muu its just a Scum. and here is why :

He said openly on game thread he hate Ekko and put him on ignore, idk why he's not shooting him. Its really bugging me.

in which she also says she'll check out Typo but never really doing it and just some generic posts in it.

So like I said coupled with Hayumi's case and Rhea's play, which is mostly consisting of activity excuses and blanket promises and statements, I believe it's enough to get a wagon going and then observing from there.

anything else apart from the suggestion
whats ur take on ratchet himself

zem is half honest. i shes sharing things and ommiting others. not fully convinced and have no reason to trust anythint she says
Like I said I've mainly skimmed his back and forth with Ultra, so I don't really have much to say there. I have him as a null to scum lean mostly due to the fact actions keep failing on him and him not trying to communicate what he has on Ultra by all means from what I've seen. I've had claiming restrictions before but I've tried to find ways to let that info out and succeeded.
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