Character Discussion One Piece fans that mocked Naruto for destiny bull shit look like clowns now

While the two cases aren't exactly the same (as others have already mentioned), I am fully prepared to take the L here. It was great to see a story where the protagonist wasn't predestined to be Jesus in every way; I love underdog stories and hate when the MC is retconned to never have been an underdog in reality. And just because this is common in shonen, it doesn't mean that we should be okay if OP does it. Shitty tropes are shitty no matter genre conventions.



No offense but if you actually believe this I think you might want to consider rereading the pre TS.
Why? Luffy is winning because he overpower his opponents not because of criativity.

Even that he has some and use it, he wins battles for being faster and stronger.

Against Enel he had that dumb mode, he had that gattling gun on wall so Enel couldn't read his mind and knowing what he was doing. But besides that Enel was only defeated by a fast and strong attack of Luffy.

On top of my mind I can easily assure that all Luffy's opponents were defeated by raw power/strength.

In fact that was all the issue of Oda saying fans wouldn't be happy if Kaido were defeated by Luffy just punching harder. But that is exactly what is happening.
When it was revealed that Naruto was a reincarnation of Ashura, and everything he’d done had been pre-destined, people lost their fucking minds.

“What happened to themes of willpower and effort overcoming adversary?!!”

“The appeal of Naruto being a protagonist who overcame more powerful antagonists with creativity and effort is ruined!!”

Does any of this sound familiar?

It should, because what happened with Naruto’s character is literally happening to Luffy before our very eyes.

For an entire decade, One Piece fans have shit on Naruto for the MC becoming a tool of destiny.

This is a bruh moment of epic proportions.
Karma is a bitch
Anyone who says Naruto is better than OP needs to be reminded

Naruto solution to achieve peace is to be A LITERAL PUNCHING BAG for his psychotic bestie. Good thing that worked out in the end.
Luffy is such a bad mc that he needs other people to constantly say how great he is and this has been overloaded ever since post timeskip.
Naruto cranks this up to 1000 in the first arc with talk no jutsu starting with zabuza to the point where hes crying. Sure it makes sense why but golly zee batman it sure is convenient the hardened killer had a change of heart with this random ass kid even though he has more of a reason to murder this punk to get back at his sensei who MURDERED HIS PARTNER WHO HE FINALLY ACKNOWLEDGED AS A FRIEND! Sure hope he doesn't do this with Gara, Pain, Obito, and Sasuke who were set up to be the most inhumane pieces of shit.
Anyone who thinks One Piece is better than Naruto, is lying to themselves
People who think Naruto is better than OP are either masochist or generally think cold blooded murders can be this thin skinned in holding their ideals. The best of Naruto barely scraps by the most average of OP arcs and I'm dying to see people actually explain why thats not the case.
Not even Gold Roger was it implied that he was the "chosen one" so saying that the "messiah" type narrative always existed in One Piece is clearly false.
Because thats not the point of Joy boys impact on the story. It revolves around the inherinted will theme that has been prevalent from the start of the series and JB is the culmination of that with someone holding on to ideals and dreams that can stretch as far back from centuries. Going back to the main theme of the story of accomplishing ones dreams. Luffy couldn't be the person he was if it wasn't for shanks and same for shanks if it wasn't for Roger etc.
Get it straight hardwork or talent naruto understood with great power comes great responsibility and the ninja world was cruel. That is why he even tried to understand everyone.
But the bad guys who done none of that end up being the most powerful with zero consequence to their actions and naruto goes to great lengths trying to rationalize it even thinking theyre the COOLEST!

Naruto wasn't ass because of the destiny plot line nor did it contradict its message because of it. Because it was a mess long before that full of contradictions in its work. I could make enemies by talking trash about the whole ordeal with Itachi. The morale of Naruto is to develop Stockholm syndrome and it might all work out in the end!
Not really, Oda always foreshadowed Luffy being especial:first he inherited Roger's hat from Yonko Shanks,then it was revealed his grandfather is a legendary marine and his father the most wanted man in the world.It was stated by Mihawk Luffy posses the most dangerous ability of all.Conquerors haki makes him feared by the marines.Roger's right hand man became his teacher.So even pre-skip Luffy was already very especial.
Anyone who says Naruto is better than OP needs to be reminded

Naruto solution to achieve peace is to be A LITERAL PUNCHING BAG for his psychotic bestie. Good thing that worked out in the end.

Naruto cranks this up to 1000 in the first arc with talk no jutsu starting with zabuza to the point where hes crying. Sure it makes sense why but golly zee batman it sure is convenient the hardened killer had a change of heart with this random ass kid even though he has more of a reason to murder this punk to get back at his sensei who MURDERED HIS PARTNER WHO HE FINALLY ACKNOWLEDGED AS A FRIEND! Sure hope he doesn't do this with Gara, Pain, Obito, and Sasuke who were set up to be the most inhumane pieces of shit.

People who think Naruto is better than OP are either masochist or generally think cold blooded murders can be this thin skinned in holding their ideals. The best of Naruto barely scraps by the most average of OP arcs and I'm dying to see people actually explain why thats not the case.

Because thats not the point of Joy boys impact on the story. It revolves around the inherinted will theme that has been prevalent from the start of the series and JB is the culmination of that with someone holding on to ideals and dreams that can stretch as far back from centuries. Going back to the main theme of the story of accomplishing ones dreams. Luffy couldn't be the person he was if it wasn't for shanks and same for shanks if it wasn't for Roger etc.

But the bad guys who done none of that end up being the most powerful with zero consequence to their actions and naruto goes to great lengths trying to rationalize it even thinking theyre the COOLEST!

Naruto wasn't ass because of the destiny plot line nor did it contradict its message because of it. Because it was a mess long before that full of contradictions in its work. I could make enemies by talking trash about the whole ordeal with Itachi. The morale of Naruto is to develop Stockholm syndrome and it might all work out in the end!
Holy shit, I'd forgotten how bad Naruto really was but this post really does a good job of reminding me
Holy shit, I'd forgotten how bad Naruto really was but this post really does a good job of reminding me
It is because you have a low iq not to understand how he is baiting you.

Naruto was born at a time of war. Killing is surviving. Every ninja has to kill to survive. Sasuke had his entire clan killed by other ninjas that negated him love. It is so cheap to say well dude you should not kill other people when the entire konoha is using sasuke as a weapon.

I can go on philosophical debates why naruto stomps one piece but i am not going to bother because most of you will still complain how naruto got that power up.

In the end lurker said kishimoto did not contradict himself which makes his other statements futile.