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Well I may as well say it now.

The ability I got was the very first one he mentioned - the restoring broken abilities. I found it too perfect since when I checked Zara, and asked for his scummiest active ability, he first named the one I did not find, and then he immediately named the one I did find.

I thought I could play the game with TKOTS, see if I can get any other active ability. You saw what happened... He couldn't say another one on the spot, and then when he eventually did claim another active, I didn't understand it at all and he did not explain it when I told him I didn't understand. It was very vague and honestly not like one I've ever seen before in a game.
his second ability claim was like a cycle to the first one (basically allowing him to spam the first)
not buying it .
your theory might be correct

cc knight's comment day 0 about cucksmoke on queen's team

Cucksmoke will probably join your squad :myman:


𝒞𝓇𝒾𝓂𝓈𝑜𝓃 𝑅𝒶𝒾𝓃 𝒮𝑜𝓊𝑔𝒽𝓉 𝐹𝓁𝑜𝓌𝑒𝓇
- Vote Count -

MangoSenpai - Fujishiro > Van > Flower > Fujishiro > Melontonin > Natalija
RippedCal - Grammaton > Typo > TheAncientCenturion
Natalija - MangoSenpai
Juliet - MangoSenpai
Midnight Delight - MangoSenpai
Fujishiro - Typo > MangoSenpai > TheAncientCenturion > MangoSenpai > Natalija
TheKnightOfTheSea - MangoSenpai
T-Pein™ - Fujishiro
Udell - Van > TheAncientCenturion > MangoSenpai
TheAncientCenturion - MangoSenpai > Melontonin > MangoSenpai
Ena - MangoSenpai
Flower - Typo > Natalija > TheAncientCenturion > Natalija > ... > Natalija
The Destoryer - MangoSenpai
Melontonin - TheAncientCenturion > Natalija > TheKnightOfTheSea
Missy - MangoSenpai
Zem - MangoSenpai
Marimo_420 - TheKnightOfTheSea

MangoSenpai - 9
Natalija - 3
TheKnightOfTheSea - 2
TheAncientCenturion / Fujishiro - 1

Vote Lynch @Fujishiro
Vote lynch Grammaton
Vote Lynch Mango Senpai
Vote Lynch Typo.
Vote Lynch Natalija.
Vote Lynch Mango
Vote Lynch Melontonin
Vote Lynced Mango
Vote Lynch Natalija.
Vote Lynch Mango
Vote Lynch Schmatalija.
VOTE LYNCH TheKnightOfTheSea
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