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does this game feature action notification?

if yes, interesting that Ussop said someone stole his gift but we don't see any action notifications for it
Weeb games are very interesting when it comes to write ups. This doesn't confirm or deny anything he claimed

Everything usually has write ups from the past.

However, manipulation is big in the write ups from scum, some can even remove things or not let them be shown.
Vote Count -

Go D. Usopp – Flower > Dragomir > Strawberry > Dragomir > Rej
Zem – Krogothwolf > No Lynch > Finalbeta
Al Sama – Flower > Lindltaylor > Alibaba > Dragomir > *
Flower – Rej > No Lynch
Lindltaylor – Al Sama > Dragomir
Jinri – SinofGreed
Naomi – Noctis > Dragomir > No Lynch
Ratchet – No Lynch
Luthon – Lanji > Al Sama > *
Lanji – Al Sama > Michelle
Noctis – Kiwipom > No Lynch
Rej – Odd > Flower > Go D. Usopp > Flower
Finalbeta – Ratchet > Lindltaylor
Dynamight – Odd > *
Tobi – Dragomir
Yo Tan Wa – Rej
Cinera – Alibaba
Natalija – Midnight Delight
Reborn – Luthon
Kiwipom – Luthon > Michelle
Robin / Mr. Strawberry – Jew D. Boy > MangoSenpai
Krogothwolf – Dragomir
Don DaSlayer – Luthon
Uwu – Usopp
Melontonin – Usopp > Al Sama > Rej > No Lynch
SinofGreed – Michelle
Mat D. Bizzo – Dragomir
Queen – Queen > *
Yumikiko – No Lynch
Michelle – Flower > Noctis > Melontonin
Alibaba – Dragomir
Odd – Rej
MangoSenpai – MangoSenpai > Rej
Ryu Kishi – No Lynch
Tris No Lynch

Total -

No Lynch – 8
Dragomir – 5
Rej – 4
Michelle – 3
Luthon – 2
Alibaba / Melontonin / MangoSenpai / Finalbeta / Flower / Lindltaylor / Usopp / Midnight Delight / SinOfGreed – 1

Note - Vote counts do not necessarily reflect the actual votes values.

Day ends at 6 p.m EST
Vote Lynch @krogothwolf
vote lynch SinOfGreed
Vote Lynch No One
Vote lynch Lanji
vote oddoddfruit
Vote Lynch Ratchet
vote lynch dragomir
Vote Lynch: @Alibaba.
Vote lynch Midnight Delight
Vote Lynch Luthon
Vote Lynch Luthon
vote lynch alibaba
vote lynch MangoSenpai
vote lynch @Dragomir
vote lynch MangoSenpai
Vote lynch Al Sama
Vote Lynch Usopp
[vote lynch Mr Strawberry]
vote lynch drago @novaselinenever @Dragomir
Vote Lynch Michelle
Vote lynch Michelle
vote lynch queen
vote lynch @Go D. Usopp ™
Vote Lynch FinalBeta
Vote Lynch MangoSenpai

Vote lynch @Noctis
vote lynch rej
Vote Lynch LindItaylor
vote lynch flower
[Vote Lynch Dragomir]
Vote Lynch Finalbeta
unvote for the sake of sportsmanship
Vote lynch @Melontonin
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