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Lead them to paradise.
I realozed I said my character was from Bleach as well. That was a brain fart by me earlier.
Say I for some ungodly reason got fucked with right, lets try to talk Dest.

What did you do the past 3 nights? And days if it applies.

What do your x shots and passive do?

And finally why did you give up so easily when I accused you ? That is not townie behavior at all man.

It reminds me a lot of the Digimon game tbh.


The End and the Beginning
Ekko ISO Casing - Part 1 of 2:
Ekkologix ISO: Page 1
Yes, for day 1 at least. I won’t be on my comp end of day phase so this is the easiest way to track it

Usopp / Ekkelogix

bruh you of all ppl misspelling my name lmao
this was once put on NF and i hated it
i can do vote count for u if i have time, or sm1 else can

its probably better @TheAncientCenturion
-> ekko
mango -> alibaba

alibaba - 1
ekko - 1 (nick)
Very standard, fluffy entrance. It's a very awkward start to the game - offering to help with votecounts, getting caught up in rule discussion, it's designed to appear helpful early.
Well hello Gordon Ramsay.

How can we team up and find the Scums together?

Ahh, I see, you must post 3 emotes on each post huh.

Do you want to enclose to us what universe your character is from?
any reason why u asked flower which universe her character is from but not asked fuji?
This... looks really bad for Mango. There is very little reason for Mango to be pressed over something like this, but Ekko does it anyway. When you're looking at known scum you want to ask is this scum trying to angle a future mislynch or is it scum arguing with a scum buddy? This looks like the latter, because it's a very forced interactions that naturally wouldn't exist.
u were posting fine the first 2 pages, did u get hit by a day PR ability?
We never did confirm where the Ramsey restriction came from, did we? This is our first case of TMI from Ekko - it probably came from Ekko's scum team. Moreover, there is a fair chance it only works on scum, from his later posting.

imagine faking PRs smh
By this point we had Fuji, Prof and Flower all with post restrictions. This post is just horrible in context especially from his recent posting. It appears like he's trying to win Prof over big time here.
[vote lynch mango]

for a big 3 game this ones sure quiet af
Oof, this is just... awful for Mango. Ekko will later talk about how he believes one of the people with a post restriction is not town, yet he votes Mango for not talking enough? Paired with the other post it reeks of partner interaction.
do u think someone spread their PR to u

i find it hard to believe all 3 players with PR are same alignment
Here we have it. Ekko begins to shade into the three with a post restriction and the fact he is asking Prof this is... very telling to me.
There is uh.. no reason why I uh.. chose to ask Flower that question and not uh.. Fuji. Yeah.

You will just have to accept that uh.. fact.
that fact is weird lol
both showed PR and u just asked one of them but not the other

me wonder why is that
Ekko is just terrified of Flower this game. Just all Day long he dances around scum reading her. He keeps her relevant within his content but he just doesn't want to push it. I'll highlight some more:
Any reason for why that matters?
its weird. if u ask one of them u shud ask the other. felt like he doesnt rly care and just fishing flower with that question
Given that Ekko just stated he believed one of the three were scum, his use of the term "fishing flower" is just incredibly telling. He doesn't actually believe Mango is fishing Flower, he just doesn't want to scum read her.
Why? In fact, only 2 players - Fuji, and Flower - have PRs relating to their roles. Prof's PR is cause someone hit him early on. This seems really vague statement as well since you didn't state which alignment tbh.
prof could be town if hes hit by 1, but i doubt the other 2 r both town
Just, he's trying so hard to appease Prof. So so hard. He has Flower to one of two and he still can't call her scum.
Vote lynch MangoSenpai.
i havent read yet but this vote is scummy af specially after ur quotes to me
Why would scum Ekko make this post about town mango getting voted? This is the point where Ekko starts to tunnel Lind.
and i dont get what u mean by "i didnt state which alignments"

what do u want me to say exactly there? opposite alignments mean one is town one is maf, unless u have tmi of other alignmnets in game
Dancing around he goes, he just can't help it.
Srop trying to lynch the town leader tho
Scummy af on pg 1
he doesn't learn

who we lynching today??
In a vacumn this looks bad for T-Pein, but applying this kind of mafia philosophy I'm employing here to T-Pein probably isn't going to be that useful. Do they open buddy this hard as scum?
He is my policy lynch if sal isn’t in game
like it lost u last game because u cant carry after town core is gone
here a gift for u

Man Nck really got under his skin. You can just see the venom dripping from this post.
Well, that was the point of his question. He didn't care cause that would be blatant fishing. Your question to that was weird, like what did you expect, and what did you think of his answer?

You think scum can't be hit with PRs? I had a PR as a townie in the all stars game. The thing is, I don't agree with the baseless speculation that the other two are probably not town just because they have PRs.

Not scummy. Since I didn't say I don't scum read Mango at all.
1. why do u not think its weird? ok like whats the point of it then? like why ask one person but not the other. i dont understand how r u defending this but then voting him anyway lol. wtf lind

2. yes scum can be hit by PR but then are u implying a townie/indie post restricted him or we have multiball here? LINDDDD what's wrong with ur posts??

3. so u scum read him? but also dont think him questioning flower but not fuji is weird. i need to read why u scum read him then. and why r u questioning me when i scum read him as well
Speaking of getting under his skin, Lind. Yowzers. Just carving him up. Ekko's point that Lind can't scum read Mango and disagree with Ekko's reasons is obviously terrible, and Lind is having none of it. Never ever aligned.
[vote lynch lind]

we have day 1 lynch @T-Pein™
And the pivot. Never tried to push Mango and instead moved into getting someone who was voting Mango. Mango really looks bad from this, like really really bad.

Ekko ISO - Page 2:
i cant answer that for the sake of answering it

i just dont think all players with PR are town

how do u expect me to tell u their exact alignments 4 pages into the game?

id say fuji town/flower scum maybe

i dont think scum fuji will repeat the same fake PR again, so im giving him benefit of doubt

and i feel like flower is not displaying any paranoia at all on her convos with the other players up to page 5
Finally he starts to scum read Flower! It's soft but it's there at last but man he doesn't want to do it.

1) I never defended it. I'm saying his question didn't really look to be a serious one anyway. I literally mentioned it in my post that you quoted. Still you didn't tell me what you think of his answer and what you expected. Did you ask him just for the sake of it? You never gave your opinion on Mango's answer.

2) I literally speculated that this might be a multiball, or single scum team, or mafia and cult. That's why I don't agree with your Prof might not be scum just cause he got hit, but Flower and Fuji might not be the same alignment just because they have PRs. I was telling you why there are other reasons why you're wrong about such reasoning.

3) I literally said that his question wasn't serious, did you not read my post or what? I'm questioning you cause you and him could both be scum? Just because I scum read him, doesn't mean I can't question you to figure out your alignment.
nah ur reaching too far mate
get rekt
Jeez Lind just killing him ITT.
there is someone else with a PR??
I'm not reaching for anything, but you still didn't tell us what you thought about Mango's answer. Thank you for avoiding my question. Noted.

The fact that you voted me also tells me that you really didn't care about Mango's reply either.
1. i asked mango cuz its weird. and voted him after his answer cuz he couldnt explain it. one of u or him shud be voted today

2. weird speculation this early in the game beford any flips or WUs. its possible there is multiball/cult, but ur basing ur entire gameplay rn based off it, as if u know for sure there is multiball/cult

3. except his question is super serious. thats how u catch scum. they do stuff half heartedly. if hes asking flower he better ask fuji too but he didnt. he knows something we dont and u defending this yet voting him just cuz multiball is a possibility looks even worst
you can note this L too
Adam is literally claiming Luffy with his PR.
whats even his PR. does it fit luffy
Adam probably not aligned with Ekko.
How many times are you repeating this bullshit. You said this same thing 3 times now. Stop repeating yourself. Tell me what you think of Mango right now.

Also, your 2 and 3 are complete misinterpretations of my post. It's not a weird speculation at all. We arrive at conclusions after seeing flips. Not speculate further from it. I'm not basing my entire gameplay on a multiball scenario. I'm showing how a multiball renders your arguments useless.

I not defending Mango, if I'm voting him. What is this dumb post?
1. i think hes still possible scum but ur far worst rn

aaand yea thats exactly what u basing ur gameplay based of multiball means. ur disputing my points by arguing multiball in the game when we dont even know if thats true or not

and even if multiball in the game, my point still stand. mangos question is weird and u defending that question, yet scum reading him and me is even worst
OOF. "I think he's possible scum". The TMI LOL. I think I'm willing to bet the game on Mango being his scummate at this point.
the only thing u get from this game being multiball is u and mango being from different teams
Dang Ekko. He really isn't good at this partner distancing thing.
@Nick expecting some actual reads from u by EoD or u will make an enemy of town core
Ekko's attempt to pick up the Lind angle while doubling down on his poor reasons is duly noted.
do u think lind and mango r town?
I think from here the quote orders get too confusing so I'm just going to skip nesting them.
u r defending his question of flower but not fuji

its ur vote that dont make sense
On and on they go. Lind demolished Ekko this game.
u tell me his questioning flower and not fuji is fine, but then u vote him

idk what u expect from me there tbh
1. he is telling me mangos question is fine, but then votes mango anyway
2. scum reading me because he seems fairly sure game is multiball and thinks scum me is pushing scum mango. it wuda been much better if he suggested i may be powerwolfing or something. but instead he straight up thinks its a multiball kek
3. now says he isnt defending mango lmao
keep trying to incriminate me lindie, for every post u r digging ur grave deeper

just tell me now
do u scum or town read him lol
Ekko really wants me vote here. REALLY REALLY BAD.
thats what they all say until we have them facing the gallotine
look how hard ur trying u dont even know what ur saying anymore :pepecry:

this another dub for town core btw
one of us is the host this time and i bet tpein is town too

u just cant read us
All presented without comment.

Ekko ISO Page 3:
The site seems to want to work against me at every chance here, so the following are missing quotes:
Ekko really wants my vote lol.
Horrible interaction with Mango.
I think I've made my case.
his question didn't look like a joke to me. seemed like he just wanted to fake contribute something but forgot to ask the other PRed person or didnt on purpose. i dont know. thats y i ask him why he didnt do it

i am considering possibilities, but im not going to change my entire gameplay this early on based on those possibilities

i didnt misinterpret anything, u only scum read me at that point because of the possibility of multiball. go read ur first reply to me. thats what u said

my posts were only until page 4. if u think im scum u shud be thinking im trying to mislynch mango here. that shud be the first thing that comes to ur mind. not the possibility of multiball. idk why u made that jump preemptively

i admit i didnt read sht b4 our exchange. but in the exchange itself u r asking me why i think mangos question is weird and telling me that its not. but then i see u voting him anyway??
It should be noted that Ekko may have genuinely thought Lind was scum here. Regardless Ekko is really focused on Lind this game, like this is all his content. As soon as the direction goes to Mango.
lind doesnt get this frustrated as scum tbf, looks townish reaction
Ohh he's hedging.
thats too much ego man
we can read u better than u think
thoughts on nick/ratchet/dest?
As soon as Flower pivots to Mango. "Please Flower look at these others".
why did fuji waste his posts on meaningless fluff
btw think juliet is town. her comment on voting in the thread and poll is towny af
Yo Tan sub in. Not a great look for Yo Tan.
town insane cop @T-Pein™ checked don da slayer earlier and got innocent btw.

i thought he was cleared but just realized insane cop gets opposite alignment of the player, meaning u shud be mafia

thats rly cheap. he subs after being outed and lets u suffer :suresure:
it looks towny af
i know ur just jealous
its okay
hes jealous shes town read and hes not
yo tan asking his scum chat about this kek
fwiw i didn't read the game outside linds quotes to me so i cannot be parroting anyone
Notice how he makes sure he defends himself against Flower. It's really telling who he is concerned with looking townie towards.

Ekko ISO - Page 4:
yotans faction still didnt tell him the truth kek
u have any proof i did :endthis::endthis::endthis:

idk why r u overreacting tbh

i remmeber u did the same b4 and were town

but when u r scum u fight back and become more fluffy like in the turbo game where i faked a cop result on u

ur reaction is the only thing making u seem towny to me rn. i personally dont like ur post content
is that the only thing in the game?

what happened between page 4 and 20 lol
It just keeps going.

what wuda happened if i never came bk and replied to lind quotes?

@Natalija why r u mostly focusing on inactives
these r lowkey quality reads

i didnt even know Lm in game actually

but the other 3 have sence of scumminess in them
what r the chances TAC makes nat scum :catblush:


maybe prof r town

one of fuji/flower/adam is scum

possibly one of mango/lind is scum

the supreme alliance is shady this game. they r not even pushing me like they usually do. they r so tame
Very important post. The maybe on Mango is just revolting. If Ekko knows Prof is scum through the post restriction, this is him telling the other scum team "don't push me!".

so basically baiting a power role
i dont underatand why lind thinks this is multiball and now adam thinks cult in game

is there something im missing

let alone him thinking luffy is the cult when luffy is a protagonist
Know that Ekko would know it's multiball.

based on what tho

my role is good in the show and good here

u reek of tmi
depends on how forced is it

but now ur avoiding me all together
is anyone here an evil role in the show but town here?
that means u havent done anything this game

but so have i so cant rly judge
Nothing to add to this page, from here is ISO degrades in quality. Still though, important to check.

Ekko ISO - Page 5:
it makes sense if the real luffy doesnt counter claim if luffy is scum this game
i thought all MCs might be PRed

so u luffy and then fuji and flower r ichigo and naruto but i kept quiet about that thought

but now u prove it all wrong
actually if adam isnt luffy then luffy has to be bad because there is no hint of counter claim from what others r saying

meaning the player who is luffy is afraid of luffy appearing on writeups or somethinf as a bad role so he doesnt wanna claim it
still weird how u assumed luffy is bad role right away but i guess u have a reason to
we dont have any yet, but we were planning to CFD @Ratchet when he goes to sleep
it looks likely the case

i buy what adam is saying

high quality play
its a joke lol

ofc i wouldnt tag u if im planning to sneaky cfd you :sadgrin:
good or bad character in bleach if u dont mind?
why do u keep making things harder than they r

if luffy was town u wud see a soft push or counter claim by now. but the fact that mango says there is nothing but me vs u so far tells me none bothered anything with adam claim

its either luffy is a complete inactive or hes scum and doesnt wanna hint to his identity whatsoever and instead wants adam to be lynched when luffy appears bad in a WU
hes a man of culture

u gotta take risks

he just confirmed luffy is bad

and his assumption was based on a reason from his role

10/10 town core worthy play tbh
this looks like fake asfk ngl
@Fujishiro did something happen to u?
morgan is probably indie role that has to spread fake news
Lots of casual paranoia around Adam I doubt they're ever teamed up here. Looking at his responses to Nat Nat was just a terrible lynch this game. Terrible.


The End and the Beginning
Ekko ISO Casing - Part 2 of 2:

Ekko Pages 6 - 8* (just before his CFD):
also its possible morgans just reveals one of the actions that happen in the phase

its just the timing is super super super convenient
oh i didnt know hes dyna/becky

yes i rememeber him as burger king. didnt know its a name change

he was unlucky af
imagine throwing shades and adding a laugh emoji to it
he has tmi
i assume something on his role hints at luffy being scum role

and he baited it well
no luffy cc or soft push
meaning its possible luffy is scum role or an inactive

or adam is luffy but he ddint know writeups was gna outhim so now he distances from luffy
then the WU is fake

it specifcally said supenova luffy

not strawhat luffy or yonkou luffy
guys guys dont let all this distract u from hidden scum lanji
make sure yall win the rps its clearly a scum role
for someone with 50 post count limit he surely doesnt use them wisely

and i still dont think everyone with a PR is town
someone can lie about being rpsed
fuji seems like an indie tbh
how long we have left
@Nick do u not have anything else other than policy vote on me?
out of everything u ask this???
wtf lol
also if what fuji is saying is true then lind is back to scum read

cuz he brought the point that prof could be scum even tho he was PRed

reads like lind knows the PR didnt come from scum
tbf i would like a nick cfd aswell
fuji - claims having 50 post restrictions but proceeda to do nothing but fluff for most of the day. hints being godlike and unaffected by actions on him

lind - reeks of tmi regarding presence of multiball with his takes such prof can be scum (hinting that the PR didnt come from scum) and he scum reads mango but also scum reads me who was scum reading mango early day, implying me and mango is a scum v scum action. iso our interactions for more.

nick - says basically nothing of value the entire day other than policy vote.
tbf i didnt iso nick so not sure if he aaid stuff in the pages i miss

but he was here earlier and refuses to give actual views of the game
none of them is hostile to me
maybe lind?

nick doesnt even scum read me. its a policy vote and fuji didn't interact with me at all
they deserve it for yeeting town core
lind maybe
nick no

plus there r others that have suspected me and i clearly havent included them
im on phone now can someone do vote count pls
its a manual process u go through every page and search the word vote and note them down in a draft then add them all and post it
so the townie who PRed prof better claim sometime soon because that ability is anti town af
oh never knew about the covid thing

who wud u lynch today?

and top 3 town plox
i didnt read this one b4
did fuji claim eneru?
thought u said u can break the PR but ir will just nerf u
now u saying u cant break it?

also i dont think we get told if we get rbed. i purposely asked u to see what u say. generally only roelcrushes shud be notified
im not sure yet
we r getting there

hes super scummy tho imo
enryu is a player
u mean eneru the thunder ningen from OP right

there r better characters that match him tbh. like whitebeard

strong, hardly affected by stuff, but is sick and old so limited post count
Sorry Flower, couldn't not quote this.
Lind was sure super novas are not bad either

and i think i know who nat is
lind was sure not all super nova were bad
why wud i say lmao
nat is town (i think)

if lind is saying not all supernova are scum then he could be a town supernova

luffy very likely scum, so naruro and ichigo may be as well, but i think TAC will mix it up so its not obvious
u r finally posting like a restricted person
so who r we yeeting

*insert laix dancing girl gif*
i don't think the game can be solved by just claiming

i think luffy is very likely scum and i trust adam on that
actually ratchet is a kawaii grill but shes shy so usually hides it
@Nick luffy is part of strawhats, supernova and yonkous

nat and lind say not all supernova are bad

and im gna add that not all SHs are bad

leaving yonkou, who fuji could be possibly one of if hes WB, or luffy is simply an indie/cult like adam was suggesting
added to town core
too many town core applications this game :whitepress:

whats happening
why zoro? is this mechanical?
flattery will get you ... everywhere!!!
i can

she just knows how to pick the right side
i wud be surprised if adam is scum

thats suicidal
Like at mentioned, his ISO gets pretty worthless at this point. We've established Mango is his scum mate from here. Looks pretty bad for YTW. Looks good for Adam. Doubt Kvothe openly says this stuff about a scum mate.

Ekko ISO - Post CFD
dem too many tags and mentions im here
im a strawhat thats town

u dare use my own spells against me ningens??
the fact that a CFD was able to grow, while im eating then playing on another website shud be clear indication that i have no scummates

actually yikes

i cant anymore

what the fk
just what???
im sanji

harmful actions fails on female roles

useful action can cook meals to refill and buff ppl

if i target a female role i get a refill to my own ability as well
i am like 20 pages behind

im gna need explaination for this sht next day

asumming i live today
i have no fken clue who to lynch
maybe fuji? did fuji claim?

i gave u my full claim

r u even town wtf LOL
well i was busy af this EoD so w.e happens be it LOL

wudnt have been lynched if i was here, the wagon is soooo scummy

[vote lynch lind]
ratchet/flower do not speak like townies rn

but a cfd is a cfd

its my fault for being absent by EoD
ratchet ur not town, 100%
lets see how far u can go
vote lind everyone

i am sanji

can cook meals to heal/refill abilities and cure harmful debuffs
can burn abilities, but will fail on female roles

will refil my own actions if i targeted a female role

full claim

1. @Yo Tan Wa
2. @Dr_Professor83
3. @Natalija
4. @ConquistadoR
5. @Adam 🍎
6. @Fujishiro
7. @Tobi
8. @Enryu
9. @RippedCal
10. @Flower
11. @MangoSenpai
12. @Van
13. @Lindltaylor
14. @Alibaba
15. @Kvothe Kingkiller
16. @Juliet
18. @Midnight Delight
19. @Nick
20. @ZoroSlaysDragonTuna
21. @Ekkologix
22. @T-Pein™
23. @Destroya
25. @Marimo_420
well disregard that

this phase end timing is soooo irrational

i thought we still had 30 more minutes

w.e lol
wanna bet u arent flipping town this game?
this is literally me rn :suresure:

@TheAncientCenturion please have better EoD/SoD timing

5:34 is so random, i thought was gna be at 6: PM
you are scum, only time will reveal it

you and lind probabaly

you win this battle tho, until i return

u had to use my spell to beat me

actually flower looks scum as well
i wasnt active this game to do that

but i know u/ratchet/flower have scum in you
you town

yeet ratchet/flower/lind after me
im sorry for the lack of effort i put into this one

when im busy im just busy

gl every1
it doesnt rly matter im leading by a mile lol
tpein still defending me :suresure:
Firstly, look at how completely shellshocked Ekko is. This line of posting actually suggests maybe he doesn't know Prof is scum. It's clear Ekko really thinks Lind and I are scum, but he doesn't include Prof here. Could be something, could be nothing. This whole set of posts is just a glorious read though. So much insight into a scum player that just had no idea this was coming. Beautiful.

Final conclusions:

Mango - almost certainly partnered with Ekko.
Dest - Possibly partnered with Ekko.
YTW - Possibly partnered with Ekko.
T-Pein - Slight chance of being partnered.

Mango basically has to be his buddy here, as he's the only player that is both unflipped and not clearly spewed against Ekko in this whole ISO. Ekko had a lot of interactions with him but then pushed on Lind the moment Mango gained some traction. Next is Prof but that may not be doable for me right now.
Say I for some ungodly reason got fucked with right, lets try to talk Dest.

What did you do the past 3 nights? And days if it applies.

What do your x shots and passive do?

And finally why did you give up so easily when I accused you ? That is not townie behavior at all man.

It reminds me a lot of the Digimon game tbh.
You keep saying I gave up. Like, how should I fight hard against a lie?
Not a lie though and as if say It was and you were town you would be reacting differently. Right now you just let go.

Also didnt answer my other questions.
I honestly fucking hate it when people say how I should play as a certain alignment. It's pretty clear I switch shit up so I get so tired of this line.


Lead them to paradise.
I honestly fucking hate it when people say how I should play as a certain alignment. It's pretty clear I switch shit up so I get so tired of this line.
Disregard it entirely,

this is the third time I asked you about your night actions lol.

And a description of your abilities.
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