Game of Thrones Mafia
Welcome to the game! I'll just bore you with a quick author's note which most of you probably won't read, but you should nonetheless. The nature of the subject material is extremely complex, so I have tried to faithfully capture the political intrigue and warfare that made the books and show so compelling, but obviously, I've had to take some liberties with the overall alignments and story, which will be obvious to anybody that's a fan of the scene!
The game covers the entire period of the IP from the point Eddard Stark is beheaded (more on that below) up until the resolution of the story. As a result, characters from different time periods may interact when they ostensibly shouldn't - don't think too deeply about it. I've taken steps to cheeseproof the game (more on that below too), and have used a hybrid of book and show continuity.
Most importantly, have fun!
Traditional Setup - This game will prominently feature an uninformed majority against an informed minority.
Closed Setup - No information about the setup will be available before the end of the game.
Closed Communication - After reception of their role PM, players will not be allowed to discuss it outside of the game thread or during Night phases, except as specifically dictated in individual Role PMs.
Day Start - This game will begin with a Day phase. Day 1 will last 48 hours, abilities are disabled for the first 24h.
Quasi-Dusk - In this game, each Day phase will officially end as soon as the 48/24 hours deadline is reached. A Dusk phase will not be officially recognized, and players may continue discussing in the game thread until the next Night phase begins, however day actions and voting sent after the Day phase has ended but before the next Night phase has begun will be ignored. This also applies for the transition from night to day, as I will need to write a start of day write up.
Phase Length - The game is divided into cycles. Each cycle consist of 2 phases, a day phase and a night phase. Each phase will last 36 hours, with the exception of the first day phase that will last 48 hours. I reserve the right to adjust this at any time to fit my schedule or the game situation as appropriate. The first Night phase will last 24 hours, subsequent night phases 16 hours. If all actions are submitted, I reserve the right to end night and begin the next phase immediately.
Lynches - This game will employ a majority lynch system. This means that when a player reaches the majority threshold of votes, they will be lynched and day will end immediately. Any actions taken after this point will not be processed. A sample vote count may look like this:
Player A - 4 (Player C, Player D, Player E. Player F
Player B - 2 (Player G, Player H)
Players who have abnormal 'vote power' (Anything other than '1') will not be able to conceal this - a vote count will reflect the total value of votes on a player.
Claiming - Flavour claiming is permitted. You would be wise to consider the ramifications of any information you give away. Hostiles have been provided with fakes of an unspecified (and in some cases, potentially inconsistent) quality.
Cheesing / Angleshooting - I have deliberately added inconsistencies to role pms (and in some cases, roles themselves), designed to punish any cheesy play based on fishing around cosmetic details etc. Anyone who has played one of my games before can vouch that I do this. Your only option to reliably beat your enemies is to play the game as intended. Any acts of flagrant cheating will incur penalties for you, and your alignment where appropriate.
Flaming - I don't mind a bit of an edge to the game, but keep it within the site rules please.
Action Priority - Night actions will follow an 'Order of Operations' - I will provide this here ahead of the first night phase. This is a mostly intuitive system, designed to minimise queries around how roles will hypothetically interact. Again, previous players of my games will be familiar with this.
External Posting - Do not, under any circumstances, post outside the game thread (unless given specific permission to do so via role)
After Death - Do not, under any circumstances post inside or outside the game thread about the game, outside of any designated dead chat I create.
Queries & Mistakes - If you believe a mistake has been made, or you have a query about your role functionality, please PM me directly. In a similar vein, don't try and cheese me for information. I reserve the right to give you intentionally misleading answers if I feel you are doing this after being warned.
Roles - Unless stated, all roles are night usage only.
Replacements - No assumptions should ever be made about the priority with which I replace players. I will never disclose if I've been contacted to replace a player. Any attempted cheesing around this will be highly frowned upon. If you need to rep out, you MUST contact me privately. I reserve the right to modkill anybody threatening or asking to rep out in the main game thread.
A Sample PM
Action Resolution
As mentioned, this game will follow a sequential action resolution, designed to resolve conflicts and make it clearer how roles will hypothetically interact. The action priority is as follows:
Reflexive Roleblock / Nexus
Roleblock *
Bus Drive / Redirect *
Kill / Poison / Arson
Watch / Track / Follow / Voyeur / Motion Detect
* If these roles interact in such a way as to create a paradox, such as a bus driver driving themselves into a roleblock, the bus drive will jump in priority and resolve first.
Players Alive (10)
1. Blue
5. Ekkologix
6. Ratchet
7. Pot Goblin
10. WakandaForever
12. Kagurashii
15. Doddsy
20. Dr Prof v2
21. YTW
25. Broki
Players Dead (22)
TAC was Catelyn Stark, Rebellion Aligned, 1x Neighbouriser, Killed Night 1
Chevy was Grey Worm, Targaryen Restoration Aligned, 1x Targaryen Desperado, Killed Night 1
Peroroncino was Ser Gregor Clegane, Lannister Alliance Aligned, 1x Strongman/Resilience/Rage/Champion, Duelled Day 2
Arp Bladstrum was Ramsay Snow, Lannister Alliance Aligned, 4x Tracker/1x Janitor/Reek, Lynched Day 2
Worst was Tyrion Lannister, Rebellion Aligned, 3x Alignment Cop, Killed Day 3
Cooler was Walder Frey, Lannister Alliance Aligned, Mafia Traitor, Lynched Day 3
Michelle was Gendry, Rebellion Aligned, Vanilla Townie, Killed Night 3
Tyler Herro was Renly Baratheon, Rebellion Aligned, Vanilla Townie, Killed Night 3
Soulkiller was King Euron Greyjoy, Ironborn Aligned, Arsonist/Dragonbinder, Killed Night 3
Dr Prof v1 was Brienne of Tarth, Rebellion Aligned, Seraph Knight, Killed Night 4
NikainParis was Pyp, Rebellion Aligned, Vanilla Townie, Claimed by Winter Day 5
Lord Melkor was Tywin Lannister, Lannister Alliance Aligned, Godfather/1x Census/Alert/2x Framer, Lynched Day 5
Neeko was Ser Barristan Selmy, Targaryen Restoration Aligned, 2x Riposte / Knight Cop, Killed Night 5
TPein was Ser Jaime Lannister, Rebellion Aligned, Miller/Bodyguard/Oathkeeper, Killed Night 5
RippedCal was Asha Greyjoy, Rebellion Aligned, 3x Non-consecutive Commuter, Killed Night 5
Lethal was Roose Bolton, Lannister Alliance Aligned, Rolecop/Leech Lord, Killed Day 6
Zolo was Theon Greyjoy, Rebellion Aligned, Hated Townie, Mod-killed Day 6
Phoenix D. King was Petyr 'Littlefinger' Baelish, Mockingbird Aligned, Player of the Great Game, Lynched Day 6
KWEH was Lord Varys, The Realm Aligned, JOAT/Player of the Great Game, Killed Night 6
DoflaMihawk was King Victarion Greyjoy, Ironborn Aligned, Serial Killer/1x Daykill, Lynched Day 7
Charlie was Melisandre, Rebellion Aligned, 1x Reviver/Faith Healer, Killed Night 7
Hime was King Joffrey Baratheon, Lannister Alliance Aligned, Actor/1x Executioner/1x Ninja, Lynched Day 8
It is now Night 8.

Welcome to the game! I'll just bore you with a quick author's note which most of you probably won't read, but you should nonetheless. The nature of the subject material is extremely complex, so I have tried to faithfully capture the political intrigue and warfare that made the books and show so compelling, but obviously, I've had to take some liberties with the overall alignments and story, which will be obvious to anybody that's a fan of the scene!
The game covers the entire period of the IP from the point Eddard Stark is beheaded (more on that below) up until the resolution of the story. As a result, characters from different time periods may interact when they ostensibly shouldn't - don't think too deeply about it. I've taken steps to cheeseproof the game (more on that below too), and have used a hybrid of book and show continuity.
Most importantly, have fun!
Traditional Setup - This game will prominently feature an uninformed majority against an informed minority.
Closed Setup - No information about the setup will be available before the end of the game.
Closed Communication - After reception of their role PM, players will not be allowed to discuss it outside of the game thread or during Night phases, except as specifically dictated in individual Role PMs.
Day Start - This game will begin with a Day phase. Day 1 will last 48 hours, abilities are disabled for the first 24h.
Quasi-Dusk - In this game, each Day phase will officially end as soon as the 48/24 hours deadline is reached. A Dusk phase will not be officially recognized, and players may continue discussing in the game thread until the next Night phase begins, however day actions and voting sent after the Day phase has ended but before the next Night phase has begun will be ignored. This also applies for the transition from night to day, as I will need to write a start of day write up.
Phase Length - The game is divided into cycles. Each cycle consist of 2 phases, a day phase and a night phase. Each phase will last 36 hours, with the exception of the first day phase that will last 48 hours. I reserve the right to adjust this at any time to fit my schedule or the game situation as appropriate. The first Night phase will last 24 hours, subsequent night phases 16 hours. If all actions are submitted, I reserve the right to end night and begin the next phase immediately.
Lynches - This game will employ a majority lynch system. This means that when a player reaches the majority threshold of votes, they will be lynched and day will end immediately. Any actions taken after this point will not be processed. A sample vote count may look like this:
Player A - 4 (Player C, Player D, Player E. Player F
Player B - 2 (Player G, Player H)
Players who have abnormal 'vote power' (Anything other than '1') will not be able to conceal this - a vote count will reflect the total value of votes on a player.
Claiming - Flavour claiming is permitted. You would be wise to consider the ramifications of any information you give away. Hostiles have been provided with fakes of an unspecified (and in some cases, potentially inconsistent) quality.
Cheesing / Angleshooting - I have deliberately added inconsistencies to role pms (and in some cases, roles themselves), designed to punish any cheesy play based on fishing around cosmetic details etc. Anyone who has played one of my games before can vouch that I do this. Your only option to reliably beat your enemies is to play the game as intended. Any acts of flagrant cheating will incur penalties for you, and your alignment where appropriate.
Flaming - I don't mind a bit of an edge to the game, but keep it within the site rules please.
Action Priority - Night actions will follow an 'Order of Operations' - I will provide this here ahead of the first night phase. This is a mostly intuitive system, designed to minimise queries around how roles will hypothetically interact. Again, previous players of my games will be familiar with this.
External Posting - Do not, under any circumstances, post outside the game thread (unless given specific permission to do so via role)
After Death - Do not, under any circumstances post inside or outside the game thread about the game, outside of any designated dead chat I create.
Queries & Mistakes - If you believe a mistake has been made, or you have a query about your role functionality, please PM me directly. In a similar vein, don't try and cheese me for information. I reserve the right to give you intentionally misleading answers if I feel you are doing this after being warned.
Roles - Unless stated, all roles are night usage only.
Replacements - No assumptions should ever be made about the priority with which I replace players. I will never disclose if I've been contacted to replace a player. Any attempted cheesing around this will be highly frowned upon. If you need to rep out, you MUST contact me privately. I reserve the right to modkill anybody threatening or asking to rep out in the main game thread.
A Sample PM
Eddard Stark
Vanilla Townie
Congratulations, you are Eddard Stark, Rebellion Aligned! The former Warden of the North, you have just been beheaded for treason.
In this game, you have no role other than your vote.
You win when all threats to your alignment have been eliminated.
Vanilla Townie

Congratulations, you are Eddard Stark, Rebellion Aligned! The former Warden of the North, you have just been beheaded for treason.
In this game, you have no role other than your vote.
You win when all threats to your alignment have been eliminated.
Action Resolution
As mentioned, this game will follow a sequential action resolution, designed to resolve conflicts and make it clearer how roles will hypothetically interact. The action priority is as follows:
Reflexive Roleblock / Nexus
Roleblock *
Bus Drive / Redirect *
Kill / Poison / Arson
Watch / Track / Follow / Voyeur / Motion Detect
* If these roles interact in such a way as to create a paradox, such as a bus driver driving themselves into a roleblock, the bus drive will jump in priority and resolve first.
Players Alive (10)
1. Blue
5. Ekkologix
6. Ratchet
7. Pot Goblin
10. WakandaForever
12. Kagurashii
15. Doddsy
20. Dr Prof v2
21. YTW
25. Broki
Players Dead (22)
TAC was Catelyn Stark, Rebellion Aligned, 1x Neighbouriser, Killed Night 1
Chevy was Grey Worm, Targaryen Restoration Aligned, 1x Targaryen Desperado, Killed Night 1
Peroroncino was Ser Gregor Clegane, Lannister Alliance Aligned, 1x Strongman/Resilience/Rage/Champion, Duelled Day 2
Arp Bladstrum was Ramsay Snow, Lannister Alliance Aligned, 4x Tracker/1x Janitor/Reek, Lynched Day 2
Worst was Tyrion Lannister, Rebellion Aligned, 3x Alignment Cop, Killed Day 3
Cooler was Walder Frey, Lannister Alliance Aligned, Mafia Traitor, Lynched Day 3
Michelle was Gendry, Rebellion Aligned, Vanilla Townie, Killed Night 3
Tyler Herro was Renly Baratheon, Rebellion Aligned, Vanilla Townie, Killed Night 3
Soulkiller was King Euron Greyjoy, Ironborn Aligned, Arsonist/Dragonbinder, Killed Night 3
Dr Prof v1 was Brienne of Tarth, Rebellion Aligned, Seraph Knight, Killed Night 4
NikainParis was Pyp, Rebellion Aligned, Vanilla Townie, Claimed by Winter Day 5
Lord Melkor was Tywin Lannister, Lannister Alliance Aligned, Godfather/1x Census/Alert/2x Framer, Lynched Day 5
Neeko was Ser Barristan Selmy, Targaryen Restoration Aligned, 2x Riposte / Knight Cop, Killed Night 5
TPein was Ser Jaime Lannister, Rebellion Aligned, Miller/Bodyguard/Oathkeeper, Killed Night 5
RippedCal was Asha Greyjoy, Rebellion Aligned, 3x Non-consecutive Commuter, Killed Night 5
Lethal was Roose Bolton, Lannister Alliance Aligned, Rolecop/Leech Lord, Killed Day 6
Zolo was Theon Greyjoy, Rebellion Aligned, Hated Townie, Mod-killed Day 6
Phoenix D. King was Petyr 'Littlefinger' Baelish, Mockingbird Aligned, Player of the Great Game, Lynched Day 6
KWEH was Lord Varys, The Realm Aligned, JOAT/Player of the Great Game, Killed Night 6
DoflaMihawk was King Victarion Greyjoy, Ironborn Aligned, Serial Killer/1x Daykill, Lynched Day 7
Charlie was Melisandre, Rebellion Aligned, 1x Reviver/Faith Healer, Killed Night 7
Hime was King Joffrey Baratheon, Lannister Alliance Aligned, Actor/1x Executioner/1x Ninja, Lynched Day 8
It is now Night 8.
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